chapter five

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Once they had all finished eating, the headmaster got to his feet once again and the buzz of chatter filling the Hall ceased almost at once, so only the howling wind and pounding rain could be heard.

"So!" Said Dumbledore, smiling around at them all.
"Now that we are all fed and watered. I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices. Mr Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle this year has been extended to include Screaming Yo-ups, Fanged Frisbees"

"My will to live" Blaise whispered making them all hold back laughter.

"And Ever-Bashing-Boomerangs" carried on Dumbledore.
"I believe that the full list can be viewed in Mr Filch's office if anyone would like to check it"

"Sounds like a fun trip" said Enzo sarcastically

The corner of Dumbledores mouth twitched
"As ever, I would like to remind you all that the forest in the grounds is out-of-bounds to students."

The Slytherin six all looked and smirked at each other as memories of their previous years of sneaking out came back.

"It is also my painful duty to inform you that the inter-house Quidditch Cup will not take place this year"
There were many yells of shock and protest.
Amy looked over to Theo and saw he was looking as pissed off as could be.
She knew that he used Quidditch as a distraction and to calm him down and it seemed as though he needed it now more than ever.

Dumbledore continued "This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teacher's time and energy - but I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely.
I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts -"

But at that moment, there was a deafening rumble of thunder, and the doors of the Great Hall banged open.
A man stood in the doorway, leaning upon a long staff, shrouded in a black travelling coat.
Every head in the Hall swivelled towards the stranger, suddenly brightly illuminated by a fork of lightning that flashed across the ceiling.
He lowered his hood, shook out a long mane of grizzled, dark grey hair, and began to walk towards the teachers table.

A dull clunk echoed through the hall on his every other step.
He reached the end of the top table, turned right and linked heavily towards Dumbledore. Amy recognised the man immediately. She had seen many pictures of him in the daily prophet and he had the kind of face and name that you can't really forget.

"is that..." started Enzo looking towards his friends

"Mad eye Moody" finished Amy

"The Auror?" Iris questioned

"Yeah..." Blaise said "He's mad"

"No shit Sherlock" Iris deadpanned

"Who's Sherlock?" Blaise asked, still looking at the newest arrival.

Iris just rolled her eyes, "doesn't matter."

"May I introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody"

No one clapped.
Apart from Dumbledore and Hagrid.
Everyone was too transfixed by Moody's bizarre appearance to do anything more than stare at him.

Dumbledore cleared his throat once again
"As I was saying" he said smiling "We are to have the honour of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event which has not be held for over a century"

"Oh get on with it " said Blaise

"It is my greatest pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year."

"YOU'RE JOKING" yelled the familiar Weasley twins

This seemed to break the hall into laughs and excitement.
"We got this Hayes" said Blaise putting his fist out.
The two fist bumped and seemed the most excited out of all of them.
Amy looked up and saw that Theo still didn't have a mood change.
What is up with this boy? Amy thought
Once the talk died down Dumbledore started again.

"Where was I? Ah yes, the Triwizard Tournament...well , some of you will know what this involves, so I hope those who do know will forgive me for giving a short explanation."

Amy zoned out
She already knew what this tournament held and to be quite honest, she didn't really care.
All she cared about at the moment was the boy opposite her.

"The head of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving with their short-listed contenders in October, and the selection of the three champions will take place at Halloween.
An impartial judge will detect which students are most worthy to compete for the Triwizard Cup, the glory of their school, and a thousand galleons personal prize money."

"I'm going for it" Blaise hissed down the table, his face lit with enthusiasm at the prospects of such glory and riches.
He was not the only person who seemed to be visualising them self as Hogwarts Champion as there were many people excitedly whispering to their neighbours.

But then Dumbledore spoke again, and the Hall quietened once more.
"Eager though I know all of you will be to bring the cup to Hogwarts" he said "the heads of participating schools, along with the ministry of magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction on contenders this year."

Blaise and Iris turned to each other not looking as excited as they were before.

"Only students who are of age - that is to say, seventeen years or older - will be allowed to put their names forward for consideration."

"YOU'RE TAKING THE PISS!" Blaise yelled outraged

"Guess that's you two out" Enzo said to Zabini and Hayes smirking

"That's not funny Enzo, I liked the sound of that eternal glory" Iris said to him

"You obviously like the sound of death then" he fired right back.

"The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang  will be arriving in October , and remaining with us for the greater part of this year.  I know that you will extend every courtesy for our foreign guests while they are with us, and will give your whole-hearted support to the Hogwarts champion when he or she is selected."

"Whole- hearted my ass" grumbled Blaise

"And now, it is late , and I know how important it is to you all to be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning.
Bedtime! Chop chop!"

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