chapter seventy-one

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"I would suggest Borkin and Burkes would be a good place to start." Voldemort concluded.

But Amy wasn't listening, she hadn't been. All she could think about was what she had just done.

She could feel multiple pairs of eyes on her but her mind was too preoccupied to pay them any attention. She was feeling so many emotions. Scared about what will happen next, angry that Mattheo lied to her, guilty that her parents sacrifice had been for nothing. However, the only thing she wasn't feeling was regret. She knew that her parents had tried to prevent this happening to protect her, but it was time someone started doing that for Theo.

She must have been lost in thought for a while as she was pulled out of it by the sound of chairs moving. She looked up to see that the chair at the head of the table was empty. How long was she zoned out for?

There was a general murmur between the death eaters but four people were completely silent.

Her dad, Mattheo, Draco and Narcissa were staring at her, displaying two emotions. The Malfoy's seemed almost sad and had pity in their eyes. Whereas her father and Mattheo looked as though they could not be more furious with her. Her dad she could understand why, but Mattheo? He has no right to be mad at her after he lied.

She could hear the person the other side of her father talking to him so she took her chance to leave. She pushed her chair back and got up trying to look somewhat confident.

She had mange to dodge anyone trying to make conversation with her and was about to reach the door.

"Why would you do that?"

She turned around and couldn't help but let the surprise show on her face when she saw that it was Draco who was asking this.

"You know why." She answered, wanting this talk to be quick so she can leave.

She quickly scanned around to see where abouts
her father was and her eyes landed on him standing with a group of death eaters who were congratulating him and shaking his hand. The act made Amy felt sick, how could anyone think that her dad could possibly be happy right now?

"You don't know what you've done." He said shaking his head looking annoyed. Any previous look of sadness was gone.

She didn't think she was hearing him right. Why would he care?

"I'm perfectly aware of what I've done." She replied bluntly.

"No you're not." He snapped. "Because if you were you wouldn't have done it."

"Why do you care so much?" She asked. "Thought you hated me.

"I  don't." He stated. "But I didn't think you were a fucking idiot."

She was getting more and more fired up as he spoke. During her time at the Manor she had seen a different side to Draco, a human side that wasn't showing off to all of his friends. She thought they had a mutual understanding but here was the usual Draco she knew, blasting insults at her.

"You had a choice." He carried on. "You didn't have to do this but no of course you threw that all away and got yourself involved. We didn't need you."

What is wrong with him? Did he really think that she was doing this just to be involved? She couldn't hold back anymore.

"Malfoy, don't for one second think that I am doing this for you. Now I'm sorry that he didn't think that you were good enough to be the only person to help Mattheo but you're not, so I think you do need me and I should thanking you for getting me involved since I so badly wanted to be a part of this."

She didn't see his reaction as she turned around and carried on heading towards the door until she was close enough to push it open.

The sounds of conversation was getting fainter and fainter as she headed further down the long hallway. The hallways she would once run down when she was younger when her parents would make her go to the Malfoy's party's, but her and Theo would just go and take the piss out the old portraits on the walls. The location all looked exactly the same but her thoughts were no longer care free and innocent, they were filled with ideas to kill her headmaster.

She carried on walking through the Manor and walked past her room. People would think she was in there and she really wasn't in the mood for ten different lectures calling her ungrateful or stupid.

Instead, she went to the place her and Theo would hide after getting told off by their parents for making fun of the Malfoy family. There was a bathroom on the third floor which had a window just big enough for a teenager to climb out of. Her feet hit the flat part of roofing  below her and she walked along until she was at the other end.

Much unlike the events of today, the wind was calm and the sky was clear. The roof of the Manor also gave her a perfect view of the last bits of sunlight grazing the acres of land surrounding the building.

She took a seat near the edge of the roof and looked to the ledge to see a message still written on the wood.



She smiled to herself at the memory of the two angry nine year olds and how Theo insisted to write something very inappropriate but Amy managed to get the pen off of him before he could finish. Sitting alone and thinking about her happiest memories made Amy feel as though she had escaped her reality.

She was watching the sun slowly set when she heard the creaking of wood, indicating that she was not alone.

"How'd you know where I would be?" She asked, still looking straight ahead.

"You seem to have forgotten that I'm the one who showed you this place." Said Mattheo as he took a seat next to her.

She watched  as he pulled something out of his pocket and recognised it to be a cigarette. She knew Mattheo smoked occasionally but she had never actually seen him do it. He had previously told her that he only does it when he feels like shit.

She watched as he lit it with his wand and began smoking it. She would always tell him to stop once she knew he was doing it but right now she couldn't blame him. He must of felt her gaze on him as he spoke up, "You're not having any."

"I wasn't going to ask." She replied

"Theo would kill me if I got you addicted." He said as he took another hit

"Are you addicted? Because you know that shit kills." She added.

He shook his head as he blew smoke out. "That's why I only do it when I don't mind that consequence."

Then the harsh reality kicked back in and a heavy silence was placed onto them and gave them time to think about what had just happened. "Why did you lie?" She asked.

He didn't seem surprised by her question and answered straight away, "Because I knew this would happen."

She understood where he was coming from and would have done the same to prevent this happening to him but she couldn't.

"Mattheo, what are we going to do?" She asked without a hint of hope in her voice.

She didn't have to further explain, he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I don't know Amy." He said, barely audible. "I don't know."


so I was killed off for a few months but you can tell Jesus that the bitch is back

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