chapter twenty-five

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Amy woke up the next morning to an empty dorm room. She checked the time and saw it was 9:26

She quickly got up and ready then headed down to the Great Hall.

When she was walking to the middle of the Slytherin table, she walked past Daisy and Adrian (who had a bruise on his cheek) and smiled to herself at the memory of him getting what he deserved.

"Hey amsie." Blaise said as she approached the table.

"Hey" she replied, taking a seat next to Theo

He still had a slight bruise on his face but it was nothing compared to Adrian.

"What's the plan for today?" Enzo asked as he buttered his toast.

"Nothing." Blaise said with a hand on his head. He must be suffering from a bad hangover.

"We're going Hogsmede." Iris butted in, her mind already made up. Iris never seemed to suffer with hangovers, which Amy was very jealous of.

Blaise groaned and rubbed his face. "It's so far though."

They all just ignored him knowing he would tag along anyway.

"Come on." Iris said as she began to get up.

They all reluctantly and slowly followed after her.


Once the group piled into the Three Broomsticks, they took a seat at one of the bigger tables.

"I'll go get the butterbeers." Enzo said as he headed over to the bar.

"That boy is too good for us." Iris said as she sat down.

"I know right" Amy agreed, "like sometimes I wonder why he actually hangs round with us."

"Because we are the best people in this school" Blaise said confidently

"Is that why everyone hates us?" Iris asked.

"Just the jealous ones" Blaise replied.

Enzo then appeared somehow carrying six butterbeers.

We all took one each and placed it down in-front of us.

"Who's jealous?" Enzo asked

"Daisy and Pansy." Iris said as she took a sip of her drink.

"You can say that again" Amy said as she picked up her drink.

"Al though.." Blaise started, "I was intrigued by what Daisy said last night."

Amy turned to him confused as all she could remember was her shit talking.

"What? Her saying that Amy has thing for taken men?" Iris asked as she laughed and winked at Amy.

"Partly." He replied. "She said and, and I quote, you went to the ball with Mattheo even though your other friend likes him."

Iris' smile dropped immediately.

It took the rest of us a second to realise what he was getting at.

Theo looked down in an attempt to hold his laughter.

Enzo gave him a pointed look and he stopped immediately.

Blaise turned to Iris, who looked as though she was going to throat punch him.

Amy looked to Mattheo and saw how he too was looking at the girl but not the same way as everyone else.

"Care to explain Hayes?" Blaise asked with a knowing smirk.

Iris looked round the table and saw all of the eyes on her. She held her gaze at Mattheo for a split second.
She then snapped out of her daze and fired right back. "Well then if we are believing all of the shit that comes from her, then I guess Blaise and Bulstrode -"

"Alright none of that please." Theo interrupted as he shook his head at the thought.

Iris just looked away from the whole group.

"Well I'm glad it's not awkward now..." Amy said sarcastically.

"So who do you guys think is going to win tomorrow?" Enzo asked, trying to change the subject.

"Seriously?" Blaise asked sounding offending. He looked round to all of us. "I feel like this is all we ever talk about now."

They all turned to each other confused by his sudden rant.

"We have lost our touch." He continued. "This year has been so dull, I mean normally we are always skipping class or chasing first years round and sneaking out to the kitchens at night. But nope not this year, this year everyone has been boring!"

Amy looked to Iris opposite her who mouthed "what the fuck?"

Blaise had now drawn the attention of the majority of people sitting around them.

"Iris you've left us for your perfect Hufflepuff boyfriend." Iris just  looked away but they could tell she felt bad. "Mattheo you've been all mysterious and dark for fuck knows why."  Mattheo was now death staring Blaise as he continued his speech.

He then turned to Amy and Theo. "You two have finally admitted your undying love for each other but now I want to throw up every time you're together." Amy raised her eyebrows and was trying not to laugh at Blaise slowly violating everyone. She turned to Theo who looked just amused as she was and just shrugged.

"And Enzo...." Blaise began, "well I can't really say anything bad about you. But please guys can we just have some fun again?"

They all looked to each other a bit shocked by Blaise's actions. Amy had no idea he was holding all of this in.

After a moment of silence between us all, the five of them just burst out laughing.

"What the fuck was that?" Iris asked in between laughs

Blaise's mouth dropped. He couldn't believe his friends reactions.

"Yeah mate I thought you were about to throw punches at one point." Mattheo added finding the situation just as funny.

"You guys are unbelievable." Blaise said shaking his head.


After more hours of teasing Blaise, the group were now in the boys room just chilling.

Theo was sitting on his bed reading whilst Amy was laying her head on his chest and relaxing.

Enzo was throwing sweets at Blaise as he tried to catch them in his mouth, and Mattheo was watching the two in amusement.

Just as Enzo was about to throw the last sweet the door swung open.

Iris walked in very excitedly.

"Made me drop it." Blaise said stubbornly.

"What a shame but it's a good thing we are about to go get more." She replied.

"What you on about?" Amy asked, sitting up.

"We're sneaking into the kitchens." She replied with a smile.

"Fuck yes we are!" Blaise cheered and then he ran out of the room shouting, "let's go bitches!"

Iris followed after him, "hey we should chase some first years on the way." She suggested.

The remaining of them all looked to each other then ran out of the room following them.

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