chapter seventeen

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"Griffin, Hayes, do try and pay attention." Snape said in his cold, boring voice.

It was the Thursday of the week after the first task and all of the Slytherins from fourth year and up, have been asked to go to an empty transfiguration classroom where all of the desks had vanished and it was just long  benches across each side with boys on one and the girls on the other.

"Now that you are all listening" he said, aiming towards Amy and Iris, " I have something to say to you all.....The Yule Ball is approaching." This caused many excited giggle and squeals from girls around them.

"A traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialise with our....foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth-years and above - although for some idiotic reason, if you want to invite a younger may."

"Yeah no thanks." Iris whispered to Amy

"Dress robes will be worn," Snape continued unenthusiastically, "and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Now then -"

He took a breath and closed his eyes looking like he really did not want to say the next few words.

"The Yule Ball is a chance for us - for you" he corrected "to....let your hair down...."  He said in a disapproving voice.

Amy and Iris tried to hide their laughter

"But that does not mean, that we will be relaxing the....standards of our behaviour we expect from you, so do try not to embarrass me or the school in any way.."

He then turned around and walked over to a juke box. "I strongly dislike doing this but..," he waved his wand and a classical ballroom dancing song came on. No one moved.

"Well what do you do when you hear music?"  He asked "Get up and find a partner."

Lots of people suddenly stood up and walked to the centre of the room. Iris stood up and pulled Amy with her "come on" she said "gotta get to the good ones before they are all taken."

They got to the other side  of the room and saw that all the good ones had been taken. Amy looked round and saw many people that she did not want to dance with. Suddenly she saw Enzo standing all alone watching everyone else. Amy started to walk straight over to him, she would much rather dance with one of her friends.

Iris followed Amy's eye-line and saw who she was walking too and got the same idea. "Not a chance." Iris said as she hurried past Amy and got to Enzo first and immediately grabbed his hand and took him to the middle of the room and danced with him.

"fuck sake" Amy whispered. Well that idea was gone. She looked round to see if any of her other friends were available. She saw Blaise with Daphne Greengrass which wasn't a surprise, and Mattheo was stuck with some random girl who looked quite scared. Then her eyes landed on Theo, who was standing on the other side of the room and was already looking at her.

Amy just smiled at him, knowing that he wasn't the type of person to dance. So she started to make her way over to him. Until, "Hey." She suddenly couldn't walk any further because Adrian Pucey was standing right in front of her. "Uh, hey" she replied. "Dance with me?" He asked, wow ok straight to the point. "Well I was....never mind" she said as she realised she couldn't say no because she wasn't with anyone else. He smirked and took her hand and lead her to the centre of the room.

Amy was immediately very uncomfortable. She never really spoke to Adrian, but when they did have a conversation she couldn't wait for it to end. As they danced around Amy made eye contact with Iris  who looked at her very confused. Amy just shrugged her shoulders, not having an answer. She then saw Iris look behind Amy and look even more confused. Amy turned round to see Theo dancing with Daisy Gallagher. Amy thought she was going to throw up. Theo never dances so why would he do it now? And why with her? Amy always had a strong hatred against her after she accused Amy of trying to steal her boyfriend last year when he was the one flirting with her. She also seemed to have her eye on Theo a lot of the time and was jealous of Amy's friendship with him.

Finally the bell rang dismissing them all. She immediately let go of Adrian, and picked her bag up, and walked out of the classroom.
What she didn't see was how Theo barged harshly into Adrian as he passed him.


Amy was laying on her bed flipping aimlessly through a Transfiguration book, she wasn't actually reading it as she was too busy thinking about the Yule Ball.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when the door was swung open. She placed her book down to see it was Iris who was holding a very big box wrapped up.

"There you are" she said as she shut the door.  "Why didn't you come down for dinner?" She asked

"Wasn't hungry" Amy replied emotionlessly as she started at the ceiling.

"Ok well this came for you" she said as she placed the box on her bed. 

Amy sat up curiously to investigate it.  "What is it?"

"I don't know but it better be good because it almost knocked me out when it dropped onto the table" Iris said as she took her shoes off.

Amy saw how the box had a tag on it which read " from mum and dad."  This just made her even more confused as they never send her things and it was too early for a Christmas present.

She immediately took the ribbon off the box and started unwrapping it. Iris sat on her own bed watching her with matched curiosity. Once Amy got to the actual box, she took the lid off and her vision was drowned in red. She picked up the material that took up the whole box and stood up with it so it revealed itself.

It was a crimson red, floor length dress. It wrapped over the shoulders and met at the lower chest to form a V-shape. It also had a silver-sequenced band wrapping around the waist to compliment her figure, and also had a cut down the right side to show off her leg. Now Amy has been given many dresses from her parents but she had never seen anything like this , it was formal but not boring and had the right amount of bling.

"Holy shit" Iris said sitting up "so you have that dress but no date?"

Amy waved her wand and the dress hung itself up and went in the wardrobe "yep" she replied

"If you can't get someone then what am I supposed to do?" Iris asked as she fell onto her back dramatically placing her hand on her forehead.

Amy laughed at her friends dramatic actions

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