chapter seventy-two

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It had been six days since Amy volunteered herself to Voldemort and them six days had been spent by discussing possible ways to succeed with the task her Mattheo and Draco had been given.

"You think Snape would tell us about poisons we could use?" Draco asked as he flipped through a dark potion book. The three of them were in the Library in the Manor hoping to find something that could help them.

"No," Amy replied. "We shouldn't get anyone else involved." She knew about Snape's double life and knew that this could put a risk to him being exposed.

Draco rolled his eyes and closed the book.

"We just need to find a way to get him out of the castle and to the others" She explained. They had recently decided the idea that it would be easier for them to do it out of the school so they would have more help from other death eaters.

It then looked as though Malfoy got an idea. "What if we bring the others to us?" He asked.

"Please elaborate." Amy said as she closed her book, not sounding too convinced by his plan.

"Get them into the castle." He replied. "Then we wouldn't have to worry about other teachers and it would cause a distraction."

Amy was about to say how she felt about that idea but Mattheo beat her to it.

"Not a chance." He said. The sound of his voice almost made the two jump as it was like they hadn't heard it in so long. Much to Amy's disliking, her and Malfoy were the only ones coming up with ideas and Mattheo had been keeping to himself.

"Have you got anything better?" Draco asked defensively.

"Yeah how about not bringing a group of death eaters into a fucking school." Mattheo said in a patronising way.

"What other option do we have?" Draco shot back.

"We're killing Dumbledore not everyone at Hogwarts." Mattheo justified.

"You're killing Dumbledore." Draco corrected, his voice laced with venom.

Mattheo looked as though he could punch Draco and Amy didn't know if she wanted him to. They were both right in some way. Draco just wanted to choose the easiest plan but he was just thinking about his own safety and not everyone at school. Whereas, Mattheo would rather go through something more difficult to make sure everyone else would be okay.

"You guys aren't making this any easier." Amy told them as she was getting tired of their arguing.

"No," Malfoy continued. "Why are we even helping him if he is just making this harder." He said to her.

"Don't pretend like I asked for your help because believe me if I was choosing someone it wouldn't be you." Mattheo fired back.

Amy knew that they wouldn't listen to her so she just got up and walked out. They had such bigger things to be worrying about and they couldn't let go of their egos.

She had gotten more familiar with the Manor now as she would leave her room more often. She had started joining the Malfoy's for dinner and she could feel the fear she had around other death eaters slowly leaving her. It was as though they had gained a new respect for her.

She had her nose in a dark arts book as she rounded a corner and collided into someone. The impact made her drop it and she looked up to see who's fault it was.

But she wasn't mad when she saw who it was. She was everything but mad.

"Theo?" She asked, not believing what she was seeing.

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