chapter fifty-five

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The next morning, Amy decided that a lay in was deserved. All that stress and worrying during her Christmas holidays had exhausted her and she was happy to be back in her dorm. Her nice, quiet dorm. Well, that's what is was until.

"Well, Im glad you're having a good day." Amy jumped up and hit her head on the bed frame from the sound of the door slamming at the voice of her roommate. She rubbed her head and saw Iris throwing her suitcase on her bed and start emptying it. "Because while you were having a nice sleep, I was stuck next to the Creevey brothers on the train who kept asking if they could take a picture of me." she ranted on.

Amy couldn't help but laugh as she imagined the scenario. "Creepy." she said. She also noticed her wearing a pair of gold hoops. "Nice earrings." she smirked. Iris put her hands to her ears as though she had forget that she was wearing them. "Some person who left me on the train gave them to me." she replied.

Amy got up from her bed and walked over to the long mirror in her room and began brushing her blonde hair. "she must have good taste." she carried on. She saw Iris look at her in the mirror. "Has anyone told you that your love language is gift giving, mainly jewellery."

"I might have heard it before." Amy said as she put the brush down and walked over to her closet to decide on an outfit for the day.

"Im guessing that the disappearance at the station had something to do with the order." she heard Iris say from the other side of the room. Amy frowned slightly at the thought of her friends getting used to her leaving, she hated how frequent her leaving became. "yeah.." She replied quietly. She could feel her eyes on her. "We get it, you know." The brunette said softly. Amy just sighed. "and its ok," she carried on, "because everything will be over soon, and none of us will have to leave each other again." Amy couldn't help but not share this positivity, she didn't have it in her to tell her that this war was not close to being over and how it is just beginning.


The school went back to feeling normal now that everyone had come back from break and lessons had begun again. Amy noticed how Umbridge had stopped appearing in her lessons and she couldn't help but wonder what she was up to.

The six Slytherins were currently seated underneath their usual tree in the courtyard, all trying to do some sort of studying.

"Valentines day soon." Blaise causally informed as he layed down and looked at the sky dreamily.

"and your birthday." Enzo added as he turned to Iris who just smiled.

"Of course you were born on Valentines day." Theo said as he scoffed. "You get flowers no matter what." He added, causing Iris to smile.

"What are you two doing on Valentines day?" Blaise asked as he sat up, directing the question to Amy and Theo. "Hopefully getting away from you lot." Theo replied.

This made Amy realise that she didn't know how they would spend the day. It was although Iris had read her mind as she said, "I have loads of date ideas you can steal, like plan a-"

"Mass breakout from Azkaban." Mattheo interrupted as he was looking over at two first years holding a copy of The Daily Prophet ,causing all of them to look at him confused. "Uh- no, that wasn't on my list expectedly." Iris said. He didn't reply, he got up and walked over to the first years who, smartly, just gave the paper to him and ran away. He sat back down and showed the cover and Amy felt her heart drop as she read.



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