chapter thirty

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To say that this has been the worst summer of Amy Griffin's life was a huge understatement.

She had spent three and a half weeks in her room, not speaking to anyone. She avoided her parents at all costs, which was much easier as she thought as they were hardly in the house. And only received one letter from each of her friends.

She would rather have been sat in divination all day because at least she would have been stuck with her friends.

She was currently locked away in her room and was drawing random sketches in notebooks.

She always found drawing to be comforting to her because no matter what was going on in her life, she could always sit down and forget about her problems as she focuses on what is on the paper and had full control. She had been drawing a lot over the summer.

Tomorrow was the day that Snape would be coming to take her away to this so called 'safe house'. Amy still didn't  want to go. She didn't know who else will be there and what they might think of her especially after finding out about her father.

After a few more minutes of over thinking the worse possible situations, she was called downstairs.

In no particular hurry, she got up from her bed and headed down the stairs. Her house was pretty big and grand. Everyone called it a manor but she never did because she didn't think it sounded very homely.

Once she arrived the dinning room she sat down at her unnecessarily long table. All sorts of meats and sides were plated in the middle, but she did not feel hungry at all.

Her father was sitting opposite her, and her mother next to him, and neither one of them looked up from their empty plates.

Amy looked between the two and suddenly her
mouth was working faster than her brain. "I'm staying at Adelaide's for the rest of the summer."

Her parents didn't move. They didn't shift their glaze once.

Amy sat there waiting for some kind of response. She thought that would have been a good lie. Staying at her mothers sisters house who they don't even talk to anymore. They wouldn't have been able to check because they have no way of contacting her, they don't even know where she lived.

Just as she was about to ramble on with her lie, she suddenly heard a mumbled, "ok."

She almost got whiplash when she looked up, "what?" She asked, not being able to hide her surprise. "Ok." He father repeated, now looking up at her with no emotion whatsoever.

She slowly smiled to herself but quickly stopped when she realised that she didn't want to make it look like she just got away with lying.  She took one last look at her parents who were looking at each other like they were having a conversation in their heads. She then stood up and headed straight back to her room.


The next morning Amy woke early and got ready as Snape decided  to make her suffer and decided to get her at 8am. She got showered and dressed into a basic oversized jumper and jeans, and grabbed her suitcase that had been hidden under her bed also containing all of her school supplies.

She headed downstairs and quickly went into the kitchen. She scanned the counter for a small snack. She then spotted a basket full of pastries and put her hand straight in there pulling out a croissant. She started to bite into it while she walked around the kitchen and suddenly a person appeared in the doorway.

"Going already?" Her mother asked quietly.

Amy stopped and swallowed the food and hesitantly replied. "yeah..just want to sort all my stuff out there and get it out of the way."

Her mum nodded understandingly.

They stood there in silence for a few minutes when Amy suddenly saw a figure appear on the field surrounding her house through the window.

She quickly put the pastry down and grabbed her bags from the hallway. She got to the front door and was about to open it.

"You know everything we do is for you." Her mother said softly.

Amy wanted to laugh at the comment. Yeah because you've really benefited me by becoming a death eater.

However she kept the comments to herself and silently turned around. 

"It's all we've ever done and we'd never do anything to hurt you, even if you don't believe it." Her mother said sadly before walking up the stairs.

When she left Any saw her father who was standing in the hallway who she had just noticed now.

He was watching her very carefully as though he was trying to read her mind.

Amy gave the smallest smile that she wound have been surprised if he didn't notice it, and opened the door and left.

Once she approached the figure and was out of sight from the house, she placed her bags down.

"Took you long enough." Said the drowning voice of Professor Snape.

Amy put on a very exaggerated smile, "oh how I missed your positive energy so early in the morning."

The potions teacher just rolled his eyes then looked down to her bags.

"Pick them up."

Amy rolled her eyes and lifted them up, "had to walk all this way with them." She mumbled annoyed.

Snape put his right arm out for her to grab. After a few seconds he still didn't feel her hand. "Grab on." He demanded.

"Well you just told me to pick up my bags so my hands are kind of full." She said a matter-of-factly, as she lifted her arms up to show her full hands.

Snape huffed and took one of the bags out of her hand and held on to it whilst he put his other arm back out.

"Thank you." She smiled, knowing that she was already getting on his nerves.

She then looked back to her house and sighed debating on changing her mind now. She was going to an unknown place with people that she had never met before, or could run back into the home she had known for 15 years. However it didn't look like her home anymore. The rooms felt darker, the hallways felt quieter and it felt like a place that she did not want to return to.

With that, she turned back around and grabbed onto Snape's arm.

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