chapter eighteen

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It was Christmas Eve, well, more importantly the day before the Yule Ball and the only day Amy has left to get a date. Well she had rejected four boys already and one of them being a second year. But she didn't like any of them and they weren't the one she wanted to go with.

And now she was sitting in the great Hall just staring down at her cereal, listening to Blaise rant.

"Which is why I said no because she fully looked like a mandrake." Blaise said as he buttered his toast

Enzo rolled his eyes at the boys attitude.

That was when Mattheo and Theo walked over and joined them. "What are you talking about?" Mattheo asked

"Blaise is telling us about a girl who looks like a plant" Enzo replied sounding unamused.

"Speaking of," Blaise butted in, "has anyone seen Hayes?"

"Yeah" Amy said speaking for the first time, "she left the dorm just after me and said she would be here."

"So who are you actually going with them Blaise?" Enzo asked

Blaise smirked like he had been waiting for this question the whole time, "oh you know...a Beauxbatons girl"

"Yeah right" Theo said "like you pulled a Veela"

"I'll have you know Nott that she pulled me" Blaise defended

Theo just rolled his eyes and looked behind Blaise "well" he said "found Iris"

They all turned round to see her walking over holding something bright yellow but Amy couldn't work out what it was. She did see Mattheo roll his eyes and look away. As she came closer into view it all became a lot clearer why.

She sat next to Amy holding a bunch of sunflowers. "He only went and asked" she said as she couldn't hide her smile.

"Cedric?" Theo asked

Iris turned to him and deadpanned "no, Malfoy", "of course it was Cedric."

Amy took a look at the flowers "he went out and got these for you?"

Iris turned to Amy on her other side "yeah" she replied excitedly "how cute?"

"So you're going with a champion and Blaise is going with a Veela." Amy confirmed

"You're going with a Veela?" Iris asked Blaise "I thought you were going to ask Daphne?"

"Yeah I was until the other girl asked me" he admitted.

"The other girl?" Amy asked "do you even know her name?"

"Yes I do Griffin but it was in French so I didn't really understand."

Amy just rolled her eyes. "So what about you Enzo?" She asked changing the subject.

Enzo looked up surprised, "what about me?" He asked genuinely lost.

"Have you asked anyone?" Iris asked

He looked round to see all of them looking at him, he simply looked away and smirked.

Iris gasped "oh my god you so have, who is it?"

"Well I'm not telling you that." He said as he turned back to them.

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