chapter seventy-five

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She couldn't shake the feeling that she had. It felt like it was constantly poking at her and tormenting her. It was like a dark cloud was constantly raining over her head, and the worst part was, she didn't know why.

Every day spent at the Manor never came with a particularly good feeling. But something about today just felt different.

She was walking back to her room with another banging headache. They had just had their fifth lesson with Bellatrix and it seemed as though she was just getting harder on them. Amy did however notice that she was starting to get better at locking off her thoughts to her.

She opened the door to her room to find it empty, she assumed Theo was in Mattheo or Draco's room. Then something caught her eye. Placed on her bed was a black dress on a hanger. She went over to it and picked it up as she examined it. It was long and touched the floor and looked like it had a slit in the right leg. She also noticed how it had one long sleeve on the left side.

As beautiful as it was she knew that it definitely did not represent something as beautiful and that dark cloud above her seemed to be growing.

Dinner always started at seven and as she has just under forty minutes left, she began to get ready.

The time was 6:54 when she put her small black heels on and was ready to go. There was still no sign of Theo and she once again assumed he was with Mattheo and Draco.

She took one last glance at herself in her bathroom mirror and tried to push down her anxiety as she left the room and headed to the dining room.

Once she reached the door she stopped dead in her tracks. She couldn't see inside yet but she could hear many voices. As small as it seemed the noise sent her heart falling into her stomach. The last time there was a lot of people present for dinner was when she volunteered for her task.

"Oh, Amy"

She was jolted backwards as her mother had emerged from the hallway and engulfed her in a hug.

"Mum what are you doing here?" She asked as they pulled away, "What's everyone doing here?"

As she was face to face with her she could see how tired she looked and the redness around her eyes showed signs of recent crying.

She was about to answer but was cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Stood in the doorway of the dining room was a small, rat-like man and Amy couldn't help but notice his strange hand that looked almost like metal. He had a sickly grin on his face as he watched the two and signalled for them to come in.

Part of her didn't want to go just because of her stubbornness and not wanting to take orders from the rat-man but she knew she had no choice.

They walked in and somehow Amy ended up looking much more confident than her mother. However, that confidence quickly dropped as she saw how full the room was.

She saw lots of familiar faces like the Malfoys, Mattheo, Bellatrix, her father and even Snape. But someone else caught her eye, right in the middle of the table on the right side was Theo's father. But Theo was no where to be seen.

She doesn't know why, but the sight of him took her completely off guard. She hadn't seen him since her third year.

She was so caught up in the Notts that she didn't even notice Voldemort at the head of the table who seemed to be observing everyone.

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