chapter fourty-three

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Amy, Iris, Theo and Mattheos Costume inspo above ^^^^^^

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Amy, Iris, Theo and Mattheos Costume inspo above ^^^^^^


Amy knew the opinion on Slytherins, they were mean, ruthless and definitely going to end up in Azkaban, but Merlin could they throw a party. Amy and Iris walked in to the common room which looked completely unrecognisable. Multi-coloured LED lights were covering every corner of the room and there were all kinds of Halloween decorations scattered around.

Amy and Iris were squeezing their way through the crowd when a seventh year stood in front of them.

Amy could recognise that under the skeleton makeup was Tyler Harding. She always thought the sixth year student was creepy as he would flirt with younger girls.

He was holding out two red solo cups and was offering them. "Here you go Griffin and Hayes."

Iris gave him a fake smile and took the drinks. Amy knew that it wasn't a good idea to take a drink from someone you didn't really know, but then again they would be insanely stupid to try that to her or Iris as their boys were feared by most.

The two made their way through the crowd of dancing students to find four certain boys standing next to a table holding all different foods.

"Of course we find you lot by the food." Iris said, slightly yelling over the music.

Her voice caught their attention as they all turned to face them. Amy almost laughed at the sight of them all dressed up. Not because they looked bad, but because they actually put in a surprising amount of effort.

Enzo and Blaise were wearing a devil-angel costume duo with Enzo obviously being the angel and Blaise being the devil. Although this was something like was more common for girls, they really pulled it off.

However they weren't the only ones who had thought out their costumes. Theo and Mattheo were both dressed as 1920s gangsters with their suits and jackets. Amy couldn't help but blush at how good Theo looked.

"About time!" Yelled Blaise.

"You guys actually look really good." Amy said, letting her tone of surprise show.

"Glad you had so much faith in us." Theo teased.

"Ok but you girls." Blaise started. "Look fit."

Theo immediately nudged him on the arm. "What?" Blaise defended. "It's true."

Iris also nudged Amy and whispered, "I told you."

"Yeah but only I can say that." Theo replied with an attitude.

The two boys bickered back and forth before Mattheo interrupted them. "Hate to break this up but your voices are actually hurting me."

The rest of them couldn't help but agree. Amy looked down to her cup and downed her drink. The liquid burned her throat for a second before she could enjoy the taste.

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