chapter twenty-nine

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All of their stuff was now on the train and they were waiting to get on.

As Amy looked round she saw lots of Hogwarts students saying goodbye to Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students, and some even getting emotional.

"Blaise now is your last chance to get Viktors autograph." Theo teased as they watched a bunch of girls huddle round Krum.

"I don't need to." Blaise said cooly, "I've spoke to him, some might even say we are friends."

"I don't think he would say that." Amy said.

However Blaise didn't hit back with a snarky comment. He was just looking straight and left speechless.

"What are you -" Enzo began to ask, until he saw what had caught Blaise's eye.

Fleur Delacour was elegantly walking over to us. She had a sympathetic look on her face. However when she approached us she walked straight past Blaise and went to Iris.

Iris was confused when the girl took her hand. "Iris." She sighed, "I am terribly sorry for zwhat happeen'd" she said sounding genuine. "Cedric spoke about you a lot and I 'ope you find zomeone again." She hugged her tightly, Iris just smiled at her, a bit surprised  by the sudden affection.

Fleur then looked to all of us and smiled, "It 'az been a pleasure staying with you all!"

"Yeah anytime." Blaise said trying to sound casual.

"I am 'oping to get a job 'ere, to improve my Eenglish."

"It's very good already." Said Blaise, in a strangled sort of voice. Fleur smiled to him sweetly, "Maybe we will see each uzzer again." She turned around and headed back to Madame Maxine, her silvery hair rippling in the sunlight.

We all turned to Blaise and saw his standing smiling with one hand on his heart. "Merci." He said dreamily.

Mattheo just rolled his eyes and started pushing Blaise onto the train.

Once we were all on, we piled into our usual compartment as it had all of our initials carved into the door but it was small and hidden.

The weather could not have been more different on the journey back to King's Cross than it had been on their way to Hogwarts the previous September. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky.

Blaise was currently telling everyone how he has a holiday to Italy and he can't wait to try all of the expensive wine. This made Amy feel better as she knew that he wouldn't be here and that's one less person she has to worry about. She spent the whole journey just thinking about how she will get through this summer without any of her friends and not knowing wether they were safe or not.

Before she knew it, the train was pulling into King's Cross and everyone has started  collecting their bags from above them.

Amy was the last one to get off as she searched the crowd for her mother.

She did however see Iris' parents who were watching the girl very carefully. Iris had noticed them and turned to us.

She sighed and said "I've to go...I guess I'll..see you guys next year.." she said flatly. "You'll write to us?" Enzo asked. "Yeah..yeah of course." She reassured. Amy pulled her in for a hug as they said their goodbyes. We all watched her walk over to her parents and saw how tightly they hugged her. We all felt our stomachs drop a bit, as we realised that our parents would never do the same.

"Blaise honey!"

We all turned around to see the one and only Mrs Zabini making her way over. She was wearing a a white shirt with a black skirt and blazer. She was also wearing 6 inch heels and had some designer sunglasses on her head. "Oh I missed you dear." She said smothering him. We all looked downto hide our laughter. "And I missed all of your friends!" She said turning to us and she ruffled Theo's hair. "You're all getting so grown up." She said as she smiled at us. "I remember when I was your age I met this boy, Niklaus his name was, and we ran away to Paris and we-"

"Enough mother!" Blaise interrupted as he was covering his ears.

She just laughed at him, "you're right I'm getting carried away, we need to get home and get you packed for the summer dear, come on now!" She said as she turned and walked away.

Blaise turned to us shaking his head. "Wish me luck." He then followed after his mother through the crowd.

Enzo then turned to the rest of them. "Well I should get going." He said, "I'm getting home by floo."

Amy and Theo said their goodbyes to the Berkshire boy.

"Right see you guys and don't forget to write!" He shouted over the crowd as he left.

"Theo is your dad here?" Amy asked.

"No." He replied," I've got to meet him somewhere else."

Amy nodded.

"Riddle!" Shouted the draining voice of Draco Malfoy. We saw him standing there with his Mother who was waving Mattheo over with a smile.

Mattheo looked to us. "Don't get into any shit over the summer ok?"

"We won't." Amy said, feeling as though she was lying.

"Right, see you guys then." Mattheo said as he began walking over.

Amy and Theo were the only ones left now.

Amy had spotted her mother standing in the crowd, not looking like she wanted to be seen by many. She sighed and turned to Theo and saw that he was already looking at her.

He sighed and was about to say something before Amy interrupted. "Theo don't." She said quietly. He looked down knowing exactly what this was about. "You didn't tell me and I don't know why because I would never have done that to you." She said keeping a calm voice. Theo was still looking at the ground with regret.

"But I'm not mad." She said truthfully. Theo looked up to her quickly with surprise. "I know you were just looking out for me and I haven't exactly been in the best place lately so telling me then probably would have been worse." Amy sighed then looked to her mother, still hiding in the crowd, then back to Theo. "Besides I already had a feeling..." she said sadly.

She looked to Theo and saw how he was stuck on what to say next. So instead he just pulled her in and hugged her. He rested his head on top of hers. "I love you." He mumbled into her hair.

Amy smiled to herself and replied. "I love you too." Once they pulled apart Theo started making his way through the crowd but kept looking back at her.

Once he was out of sight she turned to where her mother was and saw how she was signalling Amy over.

As she walked over a million thoughts went through her head.

How was she going to get through this summer without the contact of her friends? Where is this place that Snape is planning to take her? And how is she going to do it without Theo..

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