chapter fifty-six

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The rest of the morning was spent by going from shop to shop until there wasn't a place in Hogsmede that the two girls hadn't been to.

They were now exhausted from running around the whole town as they spied on Enzo and Luna who were on a date.

"I'm honestly not surprised by any couple in here." Iris said as she looked around the Three Broomsticks when they sat down.

"Pansy and Malfoy still make me want to vomit." Amy replied as she saw the two Slytherins sat as close as possible in a large booth.

"Gross." Iris said, rolling her eyes. The little bell on top of the door chimed as four boys walked in. They had caught the attention of everyone as they weren't the quietest lot.

"Ay! There she is!" Blaise hollered once he had caught sight of the two girls. They all walked over but stayed standing as there were no empty seats around.

"You guys have been busy." Theo said, signally to all of their shopping bags. "You know we can never miss a chance to spend money." Amy replied with a smile.

"Did you know that you're fourteen percent more likely to die on your birthday." Blaise interrupted as he took a sip from Amy's Butterbeer.

The rest of them were just left in silence after his dark fact. "Thanks Blaise." Iris replied just above a whisper.

"I'm sure that's really what she wants to hear, Zabini." Mattheo said as he sighed. "Okaaayyy..." Amy said, trying to get rid of the awkward silence. "Did you guys get it?" She asked, looking up at them.

Theo smirked. "Oh, we got it." He replied as he lifted up a bag.

Iris looked to them all very concerned. "What did you lot do?"


The sun had set and the group of Slytherins were now seated in the boys room having their own little party. There was faint music in the background as they were all joking around and eating junk food.

"Hayes, come check out our present." Blaise suddenly said, sitting on the floor in the middle of the room with the rest of them following after.

"I always tell you not to get me anything." Iris said as she put her sweets down on Mattheos bed earning a look from him to which she smiled at.

"Yes but we decided not to listen to you as always." he replied "and a lot of research went into this."

She turned to Amy who nodded in confirmation. However, most of the research was done by Blaise.

"So i don't have much knowledge but I do know that muggles love this." He continued as he grabbed the bag from his bed and excitedly passed it to the brunette. She cautiously took it and looked in. She immediately looked up at them all. "What research did you do?" she asked, not looking too impressed.

"Well, Amy was telling us how you decorate your dorm." Enzo said.

"With plants and stuff." Amy added.

"So i took it upon myself to find out muggles favourite plant." Blaise said proudly.

"And what was it?" Iris asked as she emptied the bag in the middle of them revealling something that looked like grass and dirt. Amy scrunched her nose at the smell of it.

"Uh..i think it was something like....week?" He replied, scratching his head and not sounding too sure.

"You mean...weed?" she asked. Blaise clicked after hearing her words, "That's it." he replied

"Ok, well that is a drug." She informed bluntly, causing all of their smiles to drop.

"Shit, really?" Theo asked. Blaise grabbed the apparent drug and began inspecting it. Enzo just facepalmed and Amy couldn't say that she was surprised.

"Where did you get this?" She asked.

"One of my mums boyfriends got it for me." He explained, "He said it makes you have a good time."

Everyone just sighed or facepalmed. "How do you use it?" Amy asked. Iris looked to her a bit confused then explained, "You smoke it." Amy smirked. "Riddle do you have a lighter?" she asked. Mattheo looked to her, a bit taken back but then smiled, "I sure do."

The rest of them were looking at her a bit unsure.

"Oh come on guys, we can't let this go to waste." She said.

"Say less." Blaise said as he grabbed something from the drawer next to his bed and began rolling them up.

"I'm not even going to question that." Iris said, referring to Blaise already being prepared.

Mattheo also got up and threw his lighter to him.

"Is this really a good idea?" Theo asked.

"No, it's fucking stupid." Amy replied.

"It's a blunt you'll live." Iris replied.

Blaise had finished rolling them up and passed one to each of them. Theo then got the lighter and lighted the end of her cigarette.

Amy was still not a big fan of the smell but she placed the so called blunt between her lips and breathed it in. As soon as it hit the back of her throat she began coughing. From what she heard Blaise, Theo and Enzo done the same.

Iris and Mattheo sat there laughing at the others. "Pussies." Mattheo mumbled.

"Sorry we're not experienced druggies." Enzo coughed out.

"Mate it feels like I've died and I'm now in the afterlife!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Have you done that whole spliff already?" Iris asked.

"It's like I've killed my body and I'm just my soul!" He carried on.

Enzo put his down and tried pulling Blaise up, to which he just started laughing hysterically at. "Dude, I'm fine." He said in between laughs. "Wait- wait, do you guys remember-"

They all rolled their eyes immediately. Whenever Blaise gets drunk he decides to take a trip down memory lane, so they weren't surprised to see it was the same when he was high.

"Do you remember when Parkinson threw a milkshake at you after finding out you were dating a Gryffindor?" He asked Iris while he was still laughing.

She didn't find it funny though. "Yeah why don't you just bring that up." She said bluntly, not looking too amused at the memory.

"Yeah but I did get a word in with Snape after that and get us our own dorm." Amy said as she gave the weed another go and didn't end up coughing.

"After you guys hated each other." Enzo added. To which the girls just smiled to each other.

"We all hated each other." Amy clarified.

"No, Theo was still in love with you." Blaise said which made Amy feel a blush creep onto her cheeks.

"Cant deny it." Theo said as he took another hit.

"Aw you guys are so cute, it makes me sick." Blaise said causing Amy to throw a pillow at him. "Ok bitch you want to start a war." He said as he grabbed the closest one to him and threw it straight back.

This caused everyone to grab a pillow and start hitting each other.

"I feel like I'm in a chick-flick movie!" Blaise called out.

The rest of the night consisted of more pillow fights and gossip until they were all eventually passed out around the room.


a/n: yeah I don't know what the fuck this is either.

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