chapter sixty-seven

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The Manor was dark and haunting in a way. The long corridors had portraits of the entire Malfoy family and it was like they were all judging you as you passed by.

Amy hadn't seen anyone else yet and was hoping it stayed that was for as long as possible. Her parents had just brought her to her room which was clearly a guest bedroom. It had a black Victorian canopy bed in the middle of the room and she had her own bathroom so she wouldn't have to leave her room. There was also a large wardrobe that was full of different dresses and heels. Amy checked them all to see that they were all the perfect size for her making her think about how long her stay here was planned.

"We'll bring as much as your stuff as we can." Her
Mother told her as she stood in the doorway.

"I don't get it." Amy said as she turned away from the wardrobe to face her." "Why can't we go home?"

Her mother looked to her softly and sighed. "We've had to give up a lot for you to not be a part of this, and right now that includes our home."

Amy walked over to her bed and sat at the end of it. She couldn't stop thinking about Theo and wishing that she was back in the Slytherin Common room right now.

The feeling of the bed sink next to her told her that her mother had taken a seat. "You're going to be fine," she assured. "You won't have to do anything and no one will even talk to you, so please, don't give them a reason to." She ran her fingers through Amy's hair.

"You know he loved you, right." Amy said.

Her mother stopped suddenly as she thought about who she was referring to. She quickly understood and smiled slightly. "Yeah, I knew."

"Did you love him?" She asked as she turned to her.

She saw her smile flicker for a second before she replied. "I did. Just at the wrong time."

Amy could see that she was trying hard not to cry  in front of her. She got up and looked down to her. "Your father and I will be in and out, so if you need anything, I would suggest you find a house elf as the Malfoys aren't the most pleasant."

Amy nodded slightly.

Her mother got to the door and was about to head out before she turned around and told her, "Everything is going to be fine, I promise," As she walked out and the door shut behind her, Amy couldn't help but not believe in her departing words.

She fell backwards and laid down on the bed thinking about what this manor and summer could hold.


A few hours had passed and Amy had not seen her parents since and had assumed that they had left.

She had spent her time looking through books that stood in a small bookshelf in the corner of her room.
She was just opening 'Toadstool Tales" by Beatrix Bloxam when there was a knock on her door.

She quickly put the fictional folklore story down and cautiously looked to the opening door. However, her fears were quickly calmed when she saw the mix of white and black hair.

"Hope I didn't interrupt any of your studying." Narcissa said as she saw Amy by the bookshelf.

"No, it's okay." Amy replied. She looked to her and saw that she was holding a tray. "Thought you might be hungry after the trouble you've been through today." She said as she smiled at her effort.

Amy looked to her and replied gratefully. "Oh, thank you Mrs Malfoy."

"Please, just call me Narcissa."

Amy felt slightly strange during the surprisingly wholesome interaction.

"I'm glad you're here." She started. "Its about time that Draco got some company from people his age."

Amy tried desperately not to roll her eyes at the thought of spending time with Malfoy. Instead she just smiled slightly to the woman.

Amy watched her place the tray on her bed and as she did she noticed her forearms that did not seem to display any sort of ink.  She raised her eyebrow slightly, she had always just assumed that both Malfoy's were death eaters. She also couldn't help but wonder if Lucius had done anything to prevent his wife from his same fate.

"Is Lydia going to bring your clothes for you?" She asked as she must not have noticed Amy looking at her arm.

"I think so." She replied.

Narcissa walked over to Amy's wardrobe and looked at the clothes inside then smile. "If they don't arrive for a while you could always have my old clothes."

Amy couldn't help but smile. She had missed having these kind of conversations with her own mother. She knew that the Malfoys were feared but at the end of the day Narcissa was still a mother who just wants to protect her son.

"I always wanted a daughter." She confessed. "But, I couldn't bare to bring another child into this life."

Amy understood what she was saying and it made her think about her lack of siblings and wondered if her parents had the same reasoning.

Narcissa turned to her. "Please don't get yourself involved in this, your parents have done what I wish I could do for Draco. Don't let that go to waste." She pleaded.

It felt like the hundredth time that someone had begged her not to be a part of this. Amy was confused about why they were constantly reminding her. The last thing she wanted was to become a Death Eater and she couldn't think of anything that would get herself involved.

"Of course I won't." Amy reassured.

Narcissa studied her expression and looked as though she was about to say something before she stopped herself and took a breath. "I'll be here if you need me for anything." She said as she headed to the door and let herself out.

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