chapter fifty-nine

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The breeze of the evening air hit her as soon as they stepped outside sending a shiver through her body. Her arm was wrapped tightly round Theo's to get some sort of warmth. They had just passed Hagrid's hut and were keeping to the edge of the forest when they sat down against a tree and had a perfect view of the sky.

"So what is it we're exactly meant to be looking out for?" Theo asked as he looked up and saw nothing but stars.

"I guess we'll know when we see it." Amy replied as she placed her head on his shoulder causing him to wrap an arm around her.

It turned out that they were not the only ones who were aware of the sky tonight as they had seen many couples seated outside together.

Amy closed her eyes for a second, taking in the sound of absolutely nothing. "Don't go falling asleep on me." Theo said as he watched her and couldn't help but smile.

"This is nice." she stated with a relaxed sigh.

"What? Sitting on the floor in the cold?" Theo teased.

"No." She replied, opening her eyes. "Getting away from everyone and everything, It's like the world has finally given us a break."

Theo didn't answer. He thought about what she said because when he's with her, the world goes quiet. All of his problems vanish and he just thinks about the girl he has been in love with for as long as he can remember.

Suddenly a bright light flew across the sky right over their heads. Amy sat up straight and looked up to where the light just was. "Did you see that?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I saw it." He said, smiling at her joy.

It was soon followed by another light flashing by. And another then another. "Shooting stars, really?" Theo asked blankly. "Merlin, we are soppy aren't we" Amy just laughed in response. She was too distracted by the sky which seemed to be filled with thousands of shooting stars.

She looked back down to see if Theo was getting the same amount of joy from it that she was but when she saw him he wasn't even looking up. He was looking at her and looked even happier. "Theo, you're missing them!" She informed as the mount of stars were getting lower and lower. "You need to actually look at the sky."

Much to her surprise he didn't look up. He simply shook his head. "I'm good, I prefer what I've got down here on the ground anyway."

He didn't need to say it, but Amy knew that he was talking about her and she couldn't help but look down as a blush rushed into her cheeks. "You're so whipped." She said, still keeping her glaze at the ground.

She then felt a shadow tower over her and a hand placed on her chin lifting it up, making her just inches away from his face. "Yeah," He said. "I guess I am." The space in between them was about to be gone until they heard the sound of a distance rumble.

Amy looked up and the dark blue sky was now a shade of grey with threatening clouds that were about to pour down.

The two couldn't help but laugh at the timing. "I straightened my hair for this." Amy informed as she didn't have any intentions of it getting wet and ruined.

Theo was about to answer before he was cut off by the sound of the sky again. Amy then grabbed his hand and began running back to the castle.

"This was not how this was supposed to end!" Theo called out to her.

The couple eventually made it back inside the dungeons. Amy looked round and saw a clock on a table which read 12:48.

Good, my roommate won't kill me.

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