chapter twenty-eight

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The next morning was like something that Amy had never experienced before. The Hall that is usually buzzing with chat was now dead silent and all you could hear were the sounds of forks on plates, but a lot of people had seemed to lost their appetite. The Hufflepuff table was missing a lot of people, mostly older students who were close to Cedric.

Dumbledore had requested for everyone to leave Harry alone, that nobody asks him questions or badger him to tell the story of what happened in the maze. Which probably wasn't the best idea, as this left people to come up with their own theories of what happened and most of them included Harry murdering Cedric. He wasn't the only one who people treated differently as people were now steering clear of Mattheo and Amy had seen many first years actually run away from him. Even teachers were become weary of him and not daring to pick on him for an answer in class. This of course lead to everyone to fear their whole group now. Apart from Iris, who not many people have even seen, but when they do they parade her and constantly ask things like, "Are you sure you're okay?" Or "if you even need anything I'm here." She now just started to ignore all of these people as she doesn't want a constant reminder everyday.

It was hard to believe that it all happened a month ago. Amy just finished packing her trunk ready to go home and she walking to the Great Hall for the leaving feast before they leave.

"Amy.." she turned round and saw Harry Potter behind her standing nervously. "Oh hey Harry." She replied. He stood there as though he was debating something. "Are you alright?" She asked him, confused by his actions. "Yeah.'s just..." he trailed off. Amy raised her eyebrow and wondered if he was actually going to say anything. "It's just...I didn't know who else to tell but I trust you.." Amy was taken back, what was he telling her? And why was he telling her out of everyone? "What is it?" She asked. Harry sighed and checked the empty corridor to see if there was anyone around. "When I was the graveyard." He clarified, "There were a lot of people there, his followers... and some of them I recognised.." oh shit she thought,"One of them was Mr Malfoy...Macnair.." Amy recognised that name but she couldn't remember where from. "Avery..."he continued, "Crabbe, Goyle.....and Nott." He said just above a whisper.

Amy's face dropped. Theo's dad was there. And Harry knew. Harry looked to her to see her reaction. Amy sighed and asked. "Is that it?" "No...." Harry replied nervously. "There was another..." Amy tilted her head to him, indicating that he carried on, but he really looked like he didn't want to. "Harry who was it?" She asked, getting impatient now. Harry took a deep breath. "You're dad." Amy felt her heart drop into her stomach. No. He wouldn't. Sure her dad was a dick and Pureblood supremacist but he would never be a death eater. And that's when it clicked. Of course he is a death eater. All of them secret trips he takes, the "business meetings". It was almost obvious. And Amy knew she was an idiot for not working it out sooner.

"I'm sorry..." Harry said genuinely, "I know that you would never be apart of this and your reaction just told me that you had no idea." She looked up to him and saw how he was looking at her cautiously. She just exhaled and simply said. "Thanks Harry, have a good summer." She turned back round and headed to the Great Hall with a million thoughts running through her head.

Once she approached her table she took a seat next to Iris instead of her usual next to Theo. "Finally finished packing Griffin?" Blaise asked. She just nodded to him. She looked up and saw Theo opposite her, staring at her. She didn't want to give him anything so she just looked away.

"Cant believe this year is over." Enzo said. "But everyone is writing to each other this summer, ok?" He said, demanding more than asking. We all just nodded or mumbled a "sure".

"Riddle are you staying with the Malfoy's?"
Blaise asked. Mattheo nodded but didn't look at him. "We'll I'll probably see you then over the summer." Blaise said, "what about you Amy?". Amy looked up at him as though she didn't know what he was asking. "Where are you spending the summer?"

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