chapter sixty-three

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After the Weasley twins dramatic exit, Amy didn't think that the morale of the school could possibly drop. But that was until Slytherin lost against Hufflepuff in their last match and Gryffindor had just won the season. The three boys made it their mission to not even spare a glance at any Gryffindor students. However, despite the low moods, the castle grounds were gleaming in sunlight as though freshly painted; the cloudless sky smiled at itself in the smoothly sparkling lake; the satin green lawns ripped occasionally in a gentle breeze. June had arrived, but Amy, and the rest of the fifth-years, knew this meant only one thing: their O.W.L.s were upon them at last.

Her teachers were no longer setting homework, lessons were devoted to revising topics that the teachers thought were most likely to come up in exams. Her mind had been completely taken up by school.

"How many hours do you think you're doing a day?" Asked Ernie Macmillan as they were waiting outside of Transfiguration. He had developed an irritating habit of questioning people about their revision practises.

"Uh, well, I don't know, about -" Iris went to answer for the two.

"More or less than eight?" He interrupted.

"Less I suppose," She replied looking slightly alarmed.

"I'm doing eight," said Ernie, puffing out his chest. "Eight or nine. I'm getting an hour in before breakfast everyday. Eight's my average. I can do ten on a good weekend day."

Amy saw Iris look to her with wide eyes, looking concerned about her own revision schedule.

Amy just shook her head to her. She knew the Hufflepuff boy was making her stress even more. "Get a life, Macmillan." She said as she interlocked the girls arm and walked away from him.

"Do you think I'm doing enough?" Iris questioned.

"You're fine." Amy replied straight away.

They walked over to their boys who seemed to be unwillingly listening to Malfoy. "Of course, It's not what you know, It's who you know. Now, Father's been friendly with the head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority for years - old Griselda Marchbanks - we've had her round for dinner and everything." He said, walking away to rub it in Harry's face

Amy just rolled her eyes not believing it for a second.

"Think he can introduce me?" Blaise asked with a glint in his eye.

"You believe that crap?" Theo asked laughing.

"Mate I can't handle this revision, I'll do anything to pass." He replied sounding desperate as they all began entering the classroom.

They all sat down in their usual seats which now held their exam timetables at their desks.

"As you can see," Said Professor McGonagall told the class. "Your O.W.L.s are spread over two successive weeks. You will sit the theory papers in the morning and the practice in the afternoons. Your practical Astronomy examination will, of course, take place at night."

"Please, Professor?," Said Hermione, her hand in the air, "when will be find out our results?"

"An owl will be sent to you some time in July." Answered McGonagall.

"Excellent," Amy heard Dean Thomas say. "So we don't have to worry about it till the holidays."

Amy imagined herself at Grimmuald Place and opening her letter next to Hermione. She slightly shook her head at the thought.

Their first examination, Theory of Charms, was scheduled for Monday morning. Amy was just glad it was one of her stronger subjects first.

Sunday evening they all agreed to go to the boys dorm to study. Iris was getting Mattheo to ask her questions, Blaise was reading two years worth of Charms notes, Enzo was making his quill fly around the room and Amy had Theo's head on her lap while she listened to him recite the definition of a Substantive Charm.

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