chapter sixty-four

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"Well, it wasn't too bad, was it?" Enzo asked at lunch.

"Enzo." Blaise said sternly. "Please can we not go through what everyone put, it's bad enough doing it once."

When lunch had finished, they trooped off into the Entrance Hall again where they were to wait until called for their practical examination.

Enzo was the first to go with Katie bell, Susan Bones Millicent Bulstrode, Miles Bletchley and Lavender Brown. Those who has already been tested did not return afterwards so Amy couldn't ask him how he had done.

A few groups later, Professor Flitwick came out with his long list of names and called out. "Hermione Granger, Anthony Goldstein, Daphne Greengrass, Amy Griffin and Daisy Gallagher."

She looked back to her remaining friends who tried looking as supportive as ever even though they were stressing for themselves.

Theo stopped forward and told her, "You'll do great." As he kissed the top of her head.

"Quickly now, come on." Flitwick said as he tapped his wand onto his long list.

She turned around and walked into the Hall behind Daphne.

"Professor Tofty is free, Griffin." Squeaked Flitwick as he pointed towards what looked like the oldest and blandest examiner who was sitting behind a small table in the far corner.

Amy took a deep breath and made her way over, clutching her wand so tightly her hand shook.

"Griffin, is it?" questioned Professor Tofty, consulting his notes and peering over at Amy who nodded and slightly smiled at him, she knew she couldn't charm her way into a good grade but there was no harm in trying.

"Excellent." he said returning the smile. "Now, if I could ask you to turn this rat orange for me." he explained as he motioned to the small rat on his desk that Amy had just noticed.

She raised her wand at pointed it to the animal and cleared her throat as she said, "Colovaria."

The fur of the rat quickly changed to a deep shade of orange.

"Very good." The examiner said as he watched and took down notes. "Now could you enlarge it for me."

With her wand still up, she said, "Engorgio."
The animal was now the size of a badger.

"Excellent." Tofty said as he took more notes.

After a few more spells, which Amy found very easy, her exam was over and she was motioned out of the Hall.

"How'd that go?" Enzo asked as he was waiting outside.

"Not too bad." She admitted.

The two talked about the upcoming exams as they waited for the rest. First Iris came out, followed by Theo, then Mattheo, then Blaise.

"How was that, Zabini?" Theo asked.

"I think I killed my rat." Blaise answered looking slightly traumatised.


The rest of the exams seemed to be going pretty well for Amy. Her Transfiguration practical and written exam both ended up being easy but she couldn't say the same for Herbology.

But the one she felt most confident in was Defence Against the Dark Arts. She had no problem with the written questions and was close to perfect in her practical.

It was finally the end of the week of their first exams but instead of relaxing in the common room, the group was heading up the Astronomy Tower at eleven o'clock for their Astrology exam.

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