chapter fourty-nine

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The Great Hall was filing up fast the next day, the talk louder and the mood more exuberant than usual.

There was a mix of green and red clothing around the room. Amy could swear she also saw Lovegood with a lions hat as she passed the Gryffindor table. She also saw a very nervous looking Ron Weasley and it didn't help that the majority of the Slytherins were looking at him and laughing. She made eye contact with the boy a second and gave him a small smile which he tried to return but was too nervous.

She reached her group in the middle of the Slytherin table and sat down next to Theo who was in a very engaging conversation with Blaise and Mattheo.

She looked to Iris opposite her and saw her roll her eyes, they must have been talking about this for a very long time.

"Potter isn't a threat now that we have Montague." Blaise said confidently, "he could fly circles around him."

"Yeah but Crabbe and Goyle can't tell one end of a broom from the other." Mattheo said.

"But they're good for defence." Theo replied.

"Well good morning to you too." Amy said to him as he still didn't notice her arrival.

His head snapped round to her and he looked confused as of how she got there.

"Got here about five minutes ago." She said with a laugh.

"Sorry love," he said as he moved a piece of hair out of her face, "we're talking game plan here."

"Yeah only for the last twenty minutes." Iris said bored.

"Hey Berkshire." Blaise said as he looked at the Gryffindor table, "why is Lovegood supporting them?" He asked.

Enzo looked over and and let out a small sigh. "I have no idea Blaise." He said bluntly.

"Well she's your girlfriend, why isn't she supporting you?" Blaise further questioned.

"She's not my girlfriend." Enzo mumbled, "we hardly have time for each other." He said rather grumpily.

"Why's that?" Theo asked.

"No clue mate." Enzo said, "but she's always off for what she claims to be important stuff which is just hanging round with Potter."

Amy looked to Iris and saw that she was already looking at her. She knew that she wanted to tell Enzo that what Luna is doing is important but she still cares for him. Amy just slightly shook her head to the girl.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Iris said to him.

"Hey you lot!"

They all turned around to the voice that interrupted their conversation. And Amy was t too happy to see it was Pansy and Daisy.

"Stop with the moping, todays a good day." Pansy said with a smirk. She reached into her pocket and pulled out six badges. It was a round green circle with two crowns at the top and bottom and i between them read;


"Great." Iris said, "more of your shitty arts and crafts."

"Well we weren't going to give you one anyway Hayes, since your family is blood traitors like his." Daisy said with a wicked smile.

Pansy placed the badges on the table as the two girls laughed and walked away.

"One day." Iris sighed, "I'm going to swing."

"And when that day comes, I will be there." Amy said.

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