chapter fourty-six

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The following days had been the same. Umbridge appearing in the back of each lesson making notes. Amy didn't think that anything happened to cause any of her teachers to be fired, but who knows with Umbitch.

After receiving her 'Acceptable' in Potions, she was determined to get her grades up. So she was currently sitting in the library reading about antidotes.

"Oh! There you are Amy, say I didn't expect to find you in here."

Amy turned round to see Hermione Granger looking very relieved, she also noticed Ron standing behind her looking as though she has dragged him round the whole school.

"Hey Hermione, Ron." Amy nodded to them both, "is everything okay?"

Apparently Hermione took this as an invitation to take a seat next to her. "Yes, we were just wondering...what you thought about Umbridge's Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons?" She asked.

Amy looked away from her book and turned to Hermione. "I still think it's a load of shit, even though I don't voice those opinions in that class anymore. Unlike Harry." She said.

Hermione nodded, "and would you think it would be better to actually learn some practical stuff?" Hermione asked eagerly.

Amy was a bit confused. "Yes, have you got some petition you want me to sign or something?" She asked.

Hermione briefly looked to Ron who nodded to the brunette. She lowered her voice. "Me and Ronald came up with the idea of Harry teaching us." Amy raised her eyebrows at this suggestion. "I mean, he has faced You-Know-Who plenty of times so I think he is best fit, don't you agree?"

Amy blinked. "I- uh yeah,yeah definitely." Taken a bit back by all of the questions.

Hermione smiled. "We are having a meeting at the Hog's Head at one to discuss forming a club."

"" Amy asked, not sounding too sure.

"Yes." Hermione said, "a secret club of course, where Harry would teach us all how to defend ourselves if we every came up against You-Know-Who."

"And by us, do you mean?" Amy asked knowing where this was going.

"Anyone who wants to." Hermione clarified. "But Amy, please do come, your support means a lot to Harry and it would be easier for him."

Amy was a surprised by the last bit. Does Harry really care that much about her support?

She debated it for a second, she knew she wouldn't be able to tell Theo or anyone else in her house really. Hermione was practically begging her. She sighed before answering, "sure, I'll be there."

Hermione smiled. "But" Amy added, "only if I get to bring Iris."

Hermione's smile altered for a second as she turned to Ron who just shrugged. She turned back to Amy. "Of course you can." She smiled one last time at the girl before getting up and dragging Ron away.

Amy sighed and looked to her books. She always managed to find a way to avoid studying.


After Amy had told Iris, who swore secrecy. At 12:55, They were both walking through Hogsmede, on their way to the old pub.

"Does this mean I'm part of your old people club now?" Iris aked, she had been pestering Amy with questions the whole walk.

"No Iris. It doesn't." Amy replied rolling her eyes.

"Are we going to be the only Slytherins in here?" She asked. Which Amy nodded to, "most likely." Surprisingly, Iris smiled at this, "good, I do like to stand out." Amy couldn't say that she was feeling the same.

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