chapter seventy-four

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"She's actually insane." Amy mumbled as she rubbed her forehead. Her, Mattheo and Draco had began their occlumency lessons and were being taught by the lovely Bellatrix Lestrange.

Mattheo laughed at her constant moaning about their teacher.

"It's funny to you because she's easier on you two." Amy stated sounding annoyed.

"I don't think she's easy on anyone." Mattheo replied.

"She's Dracos aunt and is obsessed with your dad, safe to say she hates me."

"And you hate her."

Amy was a bit too obvious when it came to her opinion on Bellatrix. She knew that what she was teaching them was going to help them when they get back to school but Amy couldn't help but feel self hatred as she was being taught by the person who killed Sirius.

The three of them walked into the kitchen where they found Theo sitting on the counter as he had been waiting for them.

"How was it?" He asked her.

She just walked over to him and stood between his legs as she wrapped her arms around his torso. "Shit." She mumbled. He wrapped his arms around her and began rubbing her back.

"It'll get easier" he reassured her. It was the fifth time he had told her this and she was starting to not believe him.

The sound of heels pulled her out of her overthinking and she looked up to see Narcissa walking in with a handful of letters and a copy of the Daily Prophet.

Amy was confused as none of them had received any mail as it was all being tracked by the ministry and they weren't allowed to send any letters.

Narcissa spoke up as she placed the newspaper on the counter, "I'm sure you've all done fantastic." She handed each of them an envelope.

It took Amy a second to realise what she was referring to. It was their O.W.L results. She suddenly felt her stomach drop, she had forgotten all about the exams she sat, it seemed funny to her as a month ago her school work what her only worry. She was also confused as they were told that their results would arrive in the middle of August so they had arrived a lot earlier than she had expected.

Narcissa gave Amy's to her last. "Already?" She asked.

"They're right on time." She told her with a supportive smile.

Amy still had no track of the days so she wasn't expecting them. She then realised that summer must be coming to an end soon. She dreaded the thought of going back to school with her given mission.

She just awkwardly fiddled with it in her hand as she had no intention of opening it first. She looked up and it seemed as though Theo and Mattheo were feeling the same way.

Narcissa had made her way over to Draco and watched him open his. She watched their eyes scan over the paper with a smile forming on their faces and Narcissa pulled him in to an embrace as she told him how proud she was.

Theo jumped down from the counter and began opening his. Amy thought for a second that him seeing Narcissa and Draco gave him the confidence to look at his own as he would want just a moment where it felt like his mother was there for him.

Narcissa must have thought the same thing as she made her way over to the three of them.

Amy took a deep breath and began opening hers. She detached the envelope and slit it open quickly and unfolded the parchment inside.


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