chapter sixty-six

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She fell backwards onto the new cold flooring. The grip on her forearm had been released and she put her hands out to soften her landing. Her hands smacked on the floor and she looked up to see a grand fireplace that she had just been dragged out of.

For a second she forgot what had happened and how she ended up there. But the cold air of the her new surroundings quickly reminded her of what was going on.

She stood up and quickly turned around to face the Death Eater who was just watching her. She noticed how he wasn't holding a wand or anything but that didn't stop her backing up in fear.

She didn't notice that there was a door a few feet behind him until it burst open. She recognised the face that just walked in as she had been told how much she resembles it many times.

"Mum?" She asked, her voice laced with shock and confusion.

Her mother rushed over to her with a relived look. "Oh, thank Merlin you're ok." She said as she stood in front of her and placed her hands on her shoulder.

"O-ok?" Amy questioned. "How is this situation ok? Where am I?"

Her mother sighed. "Your safe now, with us."

Us? Amy asked herself in her head, but as she worked it out her mother moved to the side and Amy was facing the death eater again, except this time it wasn't wearing a mask. It was wearing her father's face.

Amy involuntarily took a step back. Her breath quickened as she looked between the two.

Her mother began aware of the panic that had set in her and attempted to calm her down. "Now, just listen to us-"

"Just listen to you?" Amy snapped. "After you just dragged me here!"

"I wouldn't have had to if you just stayed in Grimmuald Place like you were instructed." Her father said.

"Yeah well - wait, what?" Amy said, taken off guard. "How do you know about Grimmuald Place?"

"Who do you think requested for you to go there." Her mother informed.

"You-you what?" Amy just kept getting more confused by the second.

"We couldn't guarantee that you would be safe at home, so I asked Sirius if you could stay with him." She explained slowly.

Just by the mention of Sirius' name, Amy felt her heart drop again at the memory.

"I don't get it." Amy confessed. "You're- You're a death eater." She aimed at her father.

"Not out of choice." He said. "The Dark Lord was desperate for me to join him as your grandparents were extreme Pureblood supremacists. So I made a deal with him. I would join him if it meant that you wouldn't have to."

Amy couldn't believe what she was hearing. This whole time she thought the worst of her parents for being followers of Voldemort. But it was to protect her.

"That still doesn't explain why I'm here..." she said quietly.

"If he had found out that you had been working with the Order he would have killed you there and then." He explained.

"But he didn't." Amy said as she questioned it.

"That's because he was too focused on Potter, you shouldn't have followed him and Bellatrix."

"You followed Bellatrix?" Her mum asked as if she was insane. "Why?"

Amy went to answer but stopped as she felt a lump in her throat. She took and deep breath in and looked down to hide any tears. "She....she killed Sirius."

She looked up slightly to see her mothers reaction. Her face dropped as though she didn't believe what she just heard. She went to speak but stopped herself.

"What even is this place?" Amy asked, quick to change the subject.

"Malfoy Manor." Her father replied.

She felt her heart get lower and lower until it was like it had dropped out of her body and was currently sinking into the ground. This was the last place she would ever want to be. Then she heard something that she really wished she hadn't.

"You're going to have to stay here for the summer."


A/n: ahh fifth year is done I can't believe it. Thank you to those who have been here since the beginning and to those who have just found this. I can promise that updates will be a lot quicker now.

Comment what you think will happen in sixth year.

Also, if you Polish is your first language and you would like a translated version then  check out soul_in_between

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