chapter three

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Disclaimer: I do not own Lorenzo Berkshire because if I did he would have been in the films.

Way too soon, the game was about to start and the girls time together was over but before they went their separate ways they promised to meet up again after the game.

As Amy walked up the stairs to the box she couldn't help but think about what her parents could have been discussing earlier which could have been so serious.

Bumping into a hard chest is what drew her out of her thoughts.

She was getting ready to apologise to some stuck up official and say how she wasn't looking where she was going.

However as she looked up she was met with the familiar brown eyes of Blaise Zabini.

"You better watch where you're going sweetheart or you might bump into someone a lot less handsome then me" he said with his signature smirk.

Blaise tends to flirt with every girl he sees but Amy knows between them it doesn't mean anything.

"I missed you my favourite playboy" she said smiling as she fist bumped him.

"Yeah well...I tend to have that effect on the ladies" he said with a wink

Amy just rolled her eyes and laughed at him

"So why are you not up in the box?" She asked him

"Well, when your mother is trying to get in the pants of every old sagging minister she sees... you tend to want to leave the premises" he said as though he was used to it.

"How comes you're not up there with mummy and daddy dearest?" He questioned right back

"I've been with Iris outside" she said
"Who by the currently sitting with Cedric Diggory"

Blaise raised his eyebrows
"Badger boy?"

Amy nodded smiling

"Well, don't let Mattheo see that" he said smirking.

"Exactly what I said" replied Amy laughing

"Speaking of" Blaise started "we should probably go up there, all the boys are there and I do want to watch this game" He said coming back to reality

He offered his arm to Amy and she took it laughing at his attempt to be a gentlemen as they walked up to the dreaded box.


"About time"
Her mother said annoyed as she approached Amy and started brushing her shoulders trying to get rid of any possible dirt.
"I was beginning to think that you were going to ditch us for the half-bloods"

Amy just simply pushed her mothers hands off her and walked over to a circle of boys.

"Well look who finally decided to show up"
Said the familiar voice of Lorenzo Berkshire causing all the other boys to turn around and look.

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