chapter thirty-six

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"School letters!" Announced Ginny as she walked into the room handed out letters to everyone.

Amy thanked her as she took it and opened it as Ginny left, probably to give Hermione hers.  It contained two pieces of parchment: one the usual reminder that term started on the first of September; the other telling her which books she would need for the coming year.

"Only two new books." Harry said

Amy looked down to the list and read, The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5, by Miranda Goshawk, and Defensive Magical Theory, by Wilbert Slinkhard.


Fred and George Apparated right beside Amy. She was so used to them doing this by now that it didn't even startle her.

"We were just wondering who set the Slinkhard book." Said Fred conversationally.
"Because it means Dumbledores found a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," said George.
"And about time too," said Fred.

"What do you mean?" Asked Amy, now sitting up.

"Well, we overheard Mum and Dad talking on the Extendable Ears a few days before you arrived," Fred told her, "and from what they were saying, Dumbledore was having a real trouble finding anyone to do the job this year."

"Not surprising, is it, when you look at what's happened to the last four." Said George.  "One sacked, one dead, ones memory removed and one locked in a trunk for nine months."

"Well I hope this one is some-what normal." Amy stated.

Fred nodded to her until something caught his eye. "What's up with you, Ron?" He asked.

Ron did not answer. Amy looked across the room to see him standing very still with his mouth slightly open, gaping at his letter from Hogwarts.

"Is he glitching?" She asked.

"What's the matter?" Said Fred impatiently, moving around Ron to look over his shoulder at the parchment.
Fred's mouth fell open, too.

"Prefect?" He said, staring incredulously at the letter. "Prefect?"

Amy covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing too loud.

George leapt forwards, seized the envelope in Ron's other hand and turned it upside-down. Amy saw something scarlet and gold fall into George's palm.

"No way." Said George in a hushed voice.
"There's been a mistake," said Fred, snatching the letter out of Ron's grasp and holding it up to the light as though checking it for a watermark. "No one in their right mind would make Ron a prefect."

The twins heads turned in indoor and both of them stared at Harry. "We thought you were a very!" Said Fred, in a tone that suggested Harry had tricked them in some way. "We thought you were bound to get it!" Said George indignantly. They then turned to Amy and was about to say something before they stopped themselves. "Nope. Not you." Said George shaking his head. "Yeah you were definitely a no." Fred agreed and Amy's just rolled her eyes at them but couldn't argue.

The door banged open. Hermione came tearing into the room, her cheeks flushed and her hair flying. There was an envelope in her hand.

"Did you - did you get -?"

She spotted the badge in Harry's hand as Ron had just given it to him to look at, and let out a shriek.

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