chapter twenty-two

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Everybody got up late on Boxing Day. The Great Hall was back to its normal interior and the room was full of many yawns and lazy conversations.

Amy was sitting next to Theo who was happier than she had seen him all year. Him and Mattheo were talking as normal so she just assumed they spoke last night after everything. However she couldn't say the same for her and Iris. She was sitting next to Enzo in the furthest seat possible from Amy. She had come back to an empty dorm last night and the two haven't even exchanged glances.

"So Berkshire" Blaise started, "you and lovegood huh? How long has that been a thing?"

Enzo just rolled his eyes at his friends nosey ness. "Beginning of the school year" he answered though.

"How did we not know?" Blaise asked the rest of us.

"Enzos a private guy" Theo said, "don't blame him though."

"Well things have ended between me and Leah" Blaise said

"Léna" Amy corrected.

"Yep whatever" he replied, "she just wanted too much from me you know?"

"Blaise you left her for Greengrass for half the night" Enzo told him as though he forgot.

"Exactly" he said "like she wanted me to just be with her, too much" he said shaking his head.

They all just rolled their eyes at Blaise's behaviour.


The first day of term has arrived and Amy and Iris still had not held a single conversation together. Mainly because she keeps coming back to the dorm around 10pm.

The group were now heading towards their first lesson which was Care of Magical Creatures. Snow was still thick upon the grounds, and the greenhouse windows were covered in condensation so thick that they couldn't see out of them in Herbology. No one was looking forward to Care of Magical Creatures in this weather.

When they arrived at Hagrid's cabin they found an elderly witch with closely cropped grey hair and a very prominent chin standing before his door.

"Hurry up, now, the bell rang five minutes ago" she barked at them.

"Well it's pretty hard to walk through this stuff" Blaise said as he kicked snow off his shoe.

"Who even are you?" Iris asked staring at her

"My name is Professor Grubby-Plank" she said briskly, "I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher."

"Where's Hagrid?" Harry asked

"He is indisposed" she said shortly.

Soft and unpleasant laughter reached their ears. They turned; Draco Malfoy and the majority of Slytherin were looking at Harry.

"This way, please," said Professor Grubbly-Plank, and she stride off around the paddock where the huge Beaubaxtons horses were shivering. They all followed her.

She led them past the horses, and towards a tree on the edge of the forest, where a large and beautiful unicorn was tethered.

Many of the girls "oooohed" at the sight of it.

The unicorn was so brightly white that it made the snow look grey. It was pawing the ground nervously with its golden hooves, and throwing back its horned head.

"Boys keep back!" Barked Professor Grubbly-plank, throwing out an arm and catching Theo hard in the chest. "They prefer the woman's touch, unicorns. Girls to the front, and approach with care. Come on, easy does it...."

Blaise immediately pushed Iris forwards into the group of girls, she walked next to Hermione to approach the horned horse.

Amy turned round to Theo was a fake sad face "aw sorry hun" she said

Theo pretended to look offended, "You're really going to stroke a unicorn without me?" He asked

Amy just laughed at his dramatic ness and joined the rest of the girls.

Amy let the other girls push to the front as she had seen a unicorn before. Al though she wasn't the only one with that idea. When the crowd moved forwards she saw Iris standing at the back just watching.

Amy sighed and walked over.

"You not going over there?" She asked

Iris was pulled out of her daze and answered. "No," Amy could feel her watching her and looking like she was debating whether to keep talking and eventually she did. "Amy, look I-" but before she could say anything else her voice was cut off by their new teacher.

"Are you paying attention over there?!" Professor Grubbly-Plank. The two looked over to see she who she was talking to and they saw all of the boys looking down at a copy of the Daily Prophet, and Malfoy trying to get a reaction from Potter.

Before she could have a go at them anymore, the bell rang dismissing the lesson, she saw Iris shake her head slightly and walk straight over to the boys and didn't speak another word to the rest of the day.


"I just don't know what's up with her" Amy admitted honestly.

She was now in the boys dorm laying on Theo's bed, ranting about her dorm mate.

"Like she is hardly speaking to me so it's not like I can understand what's wrong"  She complained as she put a pillow on her head.

Theo laughed at her being dramatic.

"It's not funny Theo" she said seriously. "Like it's different for boys, you and Mattheo got over it like half an hour later."

"Just give it time" he replied

Amy say up. "I've given it four days!" She said getting frustrated.

Theo just laughed at her again.

Amy threw the pillow at him. "You're being a bad boyfriend right now" she said

Oh shit

Amy's eyes widened immediately. They never really discussed their situation and put a label on it.

"Boyfriend?" Theo asked with a smirk.

"Well...yeah...I mean I just assumed so I thought you would too-" she was cut off by a pillow hitting her in the face.

"You talk too much," Theo said "Girlfriend."

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