chapter thirty-seven

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Amy walked off down the corridor, peering through the glass panelled doors into other compartments. She was coming towards the end when she reached an all too familiar voice.

"Blaise I swear to God I don't want to hear about the girls you saw in Italy."

Amy laughed to herself. She headed to the door and slid it open. She saw how Blaise was sitting in between Iris and Enzo and on opposite them was Mattheo and Theo, who had left a gap between them.

All of the conversations stopped. They were all in silence, until, "Thank fuck!" Iris had jumped up from her seat and hugged Amy very tightly. "I was beginning to think you left me with these lot." She said as she pulled away. Amy got a better look at her. She had gotten taller somehow and her hair was now a darker shade of brown and was almost down to her waist but still with the same natural waves/curls. She looked a lot more mature.

"Would never do that to you." Amy said, Iris sat back down and that's when Amy saw him. There he was, standing up and walking towards her. Fucking hell, she thought Iris got taller over the summer but Theo made her look tiny, he must be at least 6'2 now. His hair was also a little bit longer but not out of hand. And he was still overall fucking gorgeous.

Once he was standing opposite her, she was about to say how she missed him so much and how sorry she was for not writing to him. But he just pulled her in and kissed her.

"Woah! Woah! PDA we have innocents here!" said Blaise as he covered Enzos eyes.

They reluctantly let go of each other and Amy followed Theo back to his seat at sat next to him.

"Glad to know you're still newlyweds" Iris said to them.

"We would have known sooner if you even wrote to us." Enzo said to Amy with a pointed look.

"Look I'm sorry guys." She started sounding genuine, "but this summer has been...." She trailed off. All of them looking to her to finish her sentence.

"Well it doesn't matter" Iris suddenly said, saving Amy from the rest of that conversation. "Because we are all here now." Amy couldn't help but notice how she kept looking to Mattheo.

"It felt like the longest summer of my life." Enzo said. "Tell me about it," Blaise replied. "I actually found myself looking forward to school starting, although Italian girls -"

"Oh my God, we get it!" Iris interrupted, rubbing her forehead.

"Oh come on Hayes, the boys there were looking good too," Blaise turned to her with a smirk, "I could always set you up with one of those."

"No thanks." She replied, straight away. "I'm done with boys." She said bluntly.

"Yeah that's see how long that lasts." Theo said smirking.

Iris rolled her eyes at him.

"Who got prefect?" Amy asked.

"Malfoy." Mattheo said.

"You're joking?" Amy asked raising her eyebrows. Mattheo shook his head. "I thought Enzo would get it." She said honestly.

"I would of but you guys bring me down." Enzo replied.

"Yep and you love us for that." Blaise said, putting his arm around him.


After a few more stories about Blaise's trip to Italy, the train was finally pulling into Hogsmede station. Everyone scrambled to get their luggage and be ready to get off. Amy was about to grab her small carry on bag, but Theo grabbed it before she could. She smiled at him which he returned.

They shuffled out of the compartment feeling the first sting of the night air on their faces as they joined the crowd in the corridor. Slowly, they moved towards the doors. Amy could smell the pine trees that lined the path down to the lake. She stepped down onto the platform.

They walked out of the station and through to the open first where there stood the hundred or so horseless carriages. They climbed inside the nearest one and were quite cramped.

"Does anyone know who the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is?" Asked Enzo.

We all shook our heads or mumbled a "no."

"Hopefully this one is sane." Said Blaise. Amy couldn't help but think he was wrong.

The carriages jiggled to a halt near the stone steps leaving up to the oak from doors. Theo was the first to hop out and put his hand out for Amy to take while she stepped down. "I can heard the food calling for me." Blaise said dreamily as he joined the crowd hurrying up the stone steps into the castle.

The Entrance Hall was ablaze with torches and echoing with footsteps as the students crossed the fagged stone floor for the double doors to the right, leading to the Great Hall and start-of-term feast. The four long house tables in the Great Hall were filling up under the starless black ceiling, which was just like the sky they could glimpse through the high windows. Candles floated in midair all along the tables, illuminating the silvery ghosts who were dotted about the Hall and the faces of the students talking eagerly, exchanging summer news, shouting greetings at friends from other houses, eyeing one another's new hair fits and robes.

They reached the middle of the Slytherin table and sat in their normal order. Amy on the left side of the table next to Iris who was also next to Blaise, Theo opposite Amy, Mattheo opposite Iris and Enzo opposite Blaise.

"Quidditch is back this year boys." Blaise said smirking

Mattheo and Theo smiled back to him. "Maybe we'll finally beat Gryffindor this year." Mattheo said as he eyed the lions table.

"Guys, please can we have no drama this year?" Iris begged, looking at them all. "Like I mean it, peace and love only."

We all looked to each other and slowly nodded to her.

"Well that was convincing." She said

A few seconds later, the doors from the Entrance Hall opened. A long line of scared-looking first years entered, led by Professor McGonagall. As they pasts out area of the table, we all noticed how they began walking on one side wanting to be as far away from our group as possible.

The buzz of the talk in the Great Hall faded away. The first-years lined up in-front of the staff table facing the rest of the students, and Professor McGonagall placed a stood in-front of them very carefully.

"Hey, you guys remember our first year?" Enzo asked as he turned to face the group.

"How could I forget?" Iris said smirking as she look to Amy.

In their first year, the two girls hated each other. Amy, Mattheo and Theo hung around with Draco for most of the year and picked up on his attitude. While Iris, Blaise and Enzo were in their own group. The boys started getting along naturally talking about Quidditch, but Amy and Iris still couldn't stand each other. Amy actually remembered Iris calling her a "stuck-up bitch." It wasn't until Snape put them together for a potions assignment in their second year, that they actually started being civil. They eventually stopped being stubborn and the best friend group in their whole year was formed. They still sometimes thank Snape.

The first years were finally all settled into their houses, and Dumbledore stood up. "To our newcomers," he said in a ringing voice, his arms stretched wide and a beaming smile on his lips, "welcome! To our old hands - welcome back! There is a time for speech making, but this is not in. Tuck in!".

Food had appeared out of nowhere, so that the five long tables were groaning under joints and pies and dishes of vegetables, bread and sauces and flagons of pumpkin juice.

"Too right old man!" Blaise shouted a little too loud.




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