chapter fourty-two

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The Great Hall was pretty empty as it was quite late for breakfast but still buzzing as always.  Amy and Theo took a seat at the Slytherin table and started filling their plates.

"So when is your guys first practise?" Amy asked as she buttered some toast.

"Tomorrow." Theo said as he bit into an apple. "So no one should be too bad tonight."

Amy stopped what she was doing immediately and was very confused. Apparently she showed her confusion as Theo reminded her, "the party tonight."

Amy dropped her knife and rubbed her forehead. "I completely forgot about that."

Theo smiled at her and picked the knife up and carried on buttering her toast for her.

"I have nothing to wear." She stressed.

"I'm sure Iris will give you something." He tried to reassure.

"Well that's my day taken up." She said annoyingly.

Theo laughed at her again as he put the knife down and pushed the plate with the now toasted butter towards her. "Thanks." She smiled as she began eating it.

The two were in a nice, private conversation (which they don't get too often) when the rest of their friend group walked over. They were laughing about something but Amy didn't care what, she wasn't the happiest with them right now.

"Sorry to ruin the date you two." Iris said as she sat down opposite the couple.

"Yeah but I hope you made the most of the alone time." Blaise said with a wink which earned an eye roll off Amy.

"Don't be weird Blaise." Mattheo said bluntly.

"Where the hell is Berkshire?" Iris asked.

"Said he was going to the library." Theo answered.

"Why so early?" Amy asked confused.

"Probably because of a certain looney." Blaise said teasingly.

"Don't call her that Blaise." Amy told him.

Malfoy, who also just got back from the Pitch and was seated a few seats away,  turned to her and furrowed his eyebrows before going back to his signature smug face. "Sometimes I almost think you're a little Hufflepuff."

"What's wrong with that?" Amy asked, turning to him.

He almost laughed. "Who in Hufflepuff isn't soft?" He asked but Amy knew it was rhetorical. "I mean no wonder Diggory couldn't stand the Tournament, it's not in their blood."

All conversation around them had stopped. Even Pansy was watching warily. If Amy wasn't angry earlier, she definitely was now. Malfoy knew how to get a reaction out of anyone and right now he was aiming for Amy and Iris.

Amy didn't know how to answer. But she didn't have to. Mattheo spoke up for her.

"Watch what you fucking say Malfoy."

They all watched as Draco's smirk vanished immediately. He looked confused but then put on his usual annoyed face.

Amy looked to Mattheo, also confused by him getting involved. But it all became very clear when she saw how him and Iris were looking at each other.


"Okay so I have this if you want to go from more of a princess  vibe."

Amy was sitting on her bed, watching Iris pull out another outfit from her wardrobe. She was on the sixth option and Amy still was undecided.

"Mhm that's cute." Amy said flatly.

Iris threw the outfit onto her bed and huffed. "You said that about the last five."

"Because they were all cute." Amy defended.

"No no no." Iris ranted. "You can't look cute. You have to look fit."

Amy rolled her eyes at her friend.

"All the best parties start at fifth year and we have to look our best for the first one." The brunette explained.

Amy sometimes wished she had the same social skills as Iris.

"Whatever you say." Amy replied.

Iris looked back into her wardrobe and smirked.

Amy did not like that. "What?" She questioned a bit worried.

"Now this was my second option" Iris began. "But I am willing to pass it down to you."

Amy sat up immediately.

Iris pulled out a hanger which held a lacy black corset with a matching black skirt that looked as though it reached the mid-thighs. In her other hand, she was holding a set of black wings and knee high leather boots.

Amy stood up straight away and walked over to get a better look at the outfit.

"It's like this dark angel thing, I don't really know." Iris explained.

Amy wasn't really paying attention. She was too busy looking at the outfit infront of her. The corset had a faint floral design in the lace which she didn't see before.

Iris looked to her and smirked. "You like it don't you."

Amy snapped out of her gaze and looked to the girl. "It's alright ." She said, not too convincingly.

"Just alright?" Iris asked, amused.

Amy couldn't fight her expression any longer. She smiled widely. "The corset is so cute." She said

"I know right!" Iris agreed excitedly.


Amy was never a vain person. She knew she had some blessings of beauty as she was told so her whole life, but she never gushed over her appearance. Yet here she was, standing in front of the long mirror in her shared dorm, staring at herself.

The corset hugged her in all of the right places, showing off her figure and the skirt made her short legs look a lot longer than they actually are. Her hair was curled and was framing her face nicely. Her makeup was a lot darker. She had a Smokey eye shadow look and black lipstick. Iris insisted on her wearing a small pair of black wings.

"Now don't I just make the best choices."

Iris' voice startled her. She quickly turned round and saw her watching the girl with a smile. She was wearing a white body suit that left little to the imagination. She had a long white skirt which covered the front and back so her legs were left on display. There was also gold glitter that covered every part of her that was revealed and she was head to toe in gold jewellery including a feather like hairband.

She walked up next to Amy and looked at them in the mirror.

"We look.." Amy started.

"Amazing." Iris cut in, "I know."

Amy laughed at the girls confidence but as she took one last look in the mirror, she couldn't disagree.

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