chapter fourty-one

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The next few days passed quickly. Even though the dragging Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons with Umbridge where Amy struggled to keep her comments to herself. And her pile of homework seemed to just keep getting bigger.

However it was finally the end of lessons on a Friday and the group of slytherins were on their way to Hogsmede.

"Try outs soon boys." Blaise said as he lead the group down the path, heading to the Three Broomsticks.

" Wonder if Davies will actually make it on the team this year." Theo said.

"Hayes is more likely to join before him." Blaise said

"I think i would be great." Iris defended.

The rest of the group done a terrible attempt to hold back their laughs.

"Iris, you thought the aim of quidditch was to try and fly through the goals without getting hit by the quaffle." Mattheo said, smiling at the memory.

"And I still think that is a better idea." She said, turning to him.

They eventually reached The Three Broomsticks and Blaise opened the door and headed to their usual table.

Amy looked around and saw how it was expectedly busy for a Friday evening.

They all took their seats at the booth as someone took their order of butterbeers.

"So I heard something about a Halloween party." Blaise said smirking.

Amy wasn't surprised. Every year the slytherins would throw a Halloween party which everyone would go all out for.

"I've got the best costume planned." Iris said proudly.

"And you're not going to tell us what it is." Amy said

"Obviously not."

"Aw you two can do a couple costume." Enzo said to Theo and Amy.

"Yeah, love to mate." Theo said sarcastically.

Amy furrowed her eyebrows at him then smirked with an idea. "That's fine, me and Harry have a costume planned anyway."

The rest of the group looked away to try and hide their laughter from Theo, who just looked unimpressed.

"Uh guys," Enzo said, who was looking behind the group.

"Enzo stop there's about to be drama." Blaise said.

"Yeah, there definitely will be." He said, still looking in the other direction.

They all turned round to see what had caught his attention.

Amy was surprised to see a table full of Ravenclaw girls staring at them in a somewhat death glare.

Amy couldn't help but think they were looking at her.

"Who have you pissed off now Amy?" Mattheo asked.

"Not any of them." Amy said confused.

"You piss everyone off and don't even realise." Iris said.

The same person who took their order came back with six butterbeers floating next to them. She tapped her wand and they all placed themselves infront of us. They all wasted no time in grabbing them and drinking the golden liquid.

"I've been waiting for this." Blaise said as he placed his glass down.

They all nodded or hummed in agreement.

"I swear Umbitch is slowly draining the life out of me." Amy said.

"I'm surprised by how quiet you've been in her lessons." Iris said.

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