chapter sixty

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"What did she want?" Amy turned around to see Theo approaching her. Amy just shrugged and answered, "Homework answers." Theo raised his eyebrows. "Granger wanted homework answers..from you?"

Amy tried not to take offence as she was the one lying. "No, I was asking her actually." "Of course." He replied.

She felt bad for lying to him but as of for now her DA commitment was over and she wouldn't have to hear about it again.

"Everyone is at the usual spot and we have a couple to keep an eye on." He informed with a mischievous grin as he put him arm out which she gladly took as they began walking together.

Just as Theo had said, the rest of the group were seated under the usual tree.

"You said no, right?" She heard Blaise ask as they took a seat.

"Of course I did." Enzo replied with no hesitation.

"What are you guys talking about?" Amy asked causing them all to turn to her.

"Umbridge tried to get our Lorenzo here to join her cult." Blaise said as he patted Enzo's shoulder.

"A cult?" Amy asked sounding concerned.

"Inquisitorial Squad." Enzo corrected

"May as well be a cult." Iris added.

"Malfoy and his goon gang are in it." Theo told them.

"Of course they are." Amy said not sounding surprised by this information.

"She's doing everything she can to get rid of our new Divination teacher." Enzo said.

"I'm not shocked." Theo replied. "She hates any kind of half breed or blood."

Amy discreetly turned to look at Iris but she smirked slightly as she saw that she was already looking to Mattheo next to her as their hands moved closer together.

Amy quickly looked away before she got caught.

"Who do you guys think would win in a fight, Umbridge or Flitwick?" Blaise questioned cause them all to roll their eyes or let out an annoyed sign as they were about to endure thirty minutes answering Blaise's strange questions.


The stress of the upcoming exams had finally taken a toll on the group of Slytherins as they would spend the majority of their free time in the library separately as they never got anything done if they studied together. But Iris had somehow convinced Amy to go to the library with her and Amy was now quizzing her.

"How many pieces of Flubberworm Mucus should you add to your sleeping draught?" She asked reading off one of the books infront of her.

"Two." The brunette replied not even a beat later.  The two had asked and answered so many questions that they now had a fast flow.

"What's the water-making spell?"


"What's going on with you and Mattheo?" Amy asked.

Iris went to answer then suddenly realised what the question was a slapped her hand over her mouth.

She was about to start making up something when Amy cut her off. "Drop the bullshit. I know you two were together the other night."

She saw how the girl was having a debate in her head but she finally caved in. "Honestly, I don't even know what's going on." She sighed as though she was relieved that she could finally talk about it to someone.

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