chapter seventy-three

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She couldn't help but appreciate the silence. It felt like all night that she had been listening to Theo and Mattheo arguing. She tried to explain to him that it was her choice but he wouldn't accept it so he just continued to take his anger out on Mattheo. He even locked the door behind him so she couldn't try to intervene so she sat on her bed just waiting for them to be done with it.

This wasn't the way she wanted him to find out. Part of her didn't even want him to find out at all.

Theo eventually made his way into Amy's room and all he said was "I love you" before drifting off to sleep.

Six hours had passed and he was still sleeping soundlessly next to her. Amy, on the other hand, hadn't slept at all and was overthinking all of the worst possible outcomes for what she volunteered for.

The sun was slowly starting to rise and Amy accepted the fact that she wouldn't get any sleep. So she quietly got out of the bed and made her way to the bathroom. As she got to the door, something had caught her eye. Through the small gap between the curtains she could just make out a blue light. She furrowed her eyebrows as she took a step closer and opened them slightly to get a better look. Her window gave an entire view of the garden of the Manor and just by the tree line she saw the same light but it was in the form of an animal.

That's when she realised that it was a patronus. She couldn't quite work out what it was but it was bigger than a dog but smaller than a horse. She also had no idea who's it could be as she wasn't aware of anyone else staying at the Manor.

The way it was prancing around the trees was the real give away that it was a doe. Amy was confused about who could possibly have such a pure animal as their patronus but most likely be a death eater. Her eyes followed it as it came to a sudden halt and disappeared and then the person who conjured it revealed themselves. Amy could recognise the long dark robes and hair from anywhere.

Severus Snape was stood in the gardens looking directly at her and with the smallest movement in his face she knew he was signalling her to come down.

She closed the curtains and turned back to her bed to see Theo who was still in a deep sleep. She didn't want to wake him so she just quickly put on her worn out trainers that she reminded her mum to bring after her last visit and left the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

She speed walked through the Manor without any fear as she knew no one would be up at that hour and made it to the garden doors. Snape had made his way closer to the house and was looking at a snake shaped hedge.

Amy wrapped her arms round herself as the cold morning air nipped at her skin. "You know there's this thing called a door so you don't have to stand around and stare through windows." She told him.

He turned away from the plants with his usual happy face.

"The whole point is that no one else is aware of my presence." He said as though it was obvious.

"Oh yeah," she answered, "The whole secret spy thing, I'm surprised you didn't need to learn parkour then you could have just got onto the roof." Amy smiled as she got so much joy out of annoying him.

"How lucky the Malfoys are to finally be rid of you." He bit back.

Her smile immediately dropped. "What?"

"I'm taking you back to the Order." He told her

Amy knew this was a good thing but it didn't feel like it besides she had just got Theo back.  "What? No, I can't go back"

"Would you rather stay here?" He replied, getting more impatient by the minute.

She shook her head. "No you don't understand I can't leave"

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