chapter six

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"It's a load of bollocks!"

The six were now currently in the girls dorm listening to Blaise rant about why he should be competing.

"Like I can do what a seventeen year old can do easily!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms up and pacing around the room

"Blaise that is so untrue" said Enzo, sitting on the floor leaning against the bed as he laughed at his overconfident friend.

Amy was sitting crossed leg on her bed finding Blaise's tantrum very entertaining

"Let's be real you probably wouldn't even get past putting your name in the goblet" Iris said, laying on her stomach on her bed, filing her nails.

Suddenly a pillow flew right at her head

"Asshole" she mumbled as she threw it back at Blaise

"Can you just get over it now Zabini" said Mattheo who was laying back on Iris' bed, looking unamused as he looked though his potions book.
"Like for real you are giving me a migraine."

"No riddle because unlike you I would have the balls to take part" Blaise snapped

Mattheo shut his book and began to get up

"No daddy chill I was just playing" said Blaise quickly, putting his hands out as though he was trying to tame a lion.

Mattheo just rolled his eyes playfully and sat back down.

The four of them were talking about how Blaise would cry if a Cornish Pixie would be part of a task, when Amy, for what felt like the hundredth time today, turned to Theo.

He was leaning on the wall by the door just fiddling with the rings on his fingers

"You okay?" Amy finally managed to say

The others immediately went silent, wanting to know how this interaction would go

"Yeah I'm fine" he replied not even looking up

"We'll you've been awfully quiet all day" she asked him, trying to get a real answer from him

"Just tired" he simply brushed off

"Oh...we'll make sure you get enough sleep toni-"
Amy started with genuine concern

"I said I'm fine ok!" Theo suddenly interrupted looking up from his hands
"Stop acting like my mum" and he just turned around and walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Amy was left shocked.
She had never heard Theo shout like that and especially not at her. She understood if he was upset but he didn't have to take it out on her as she's the only one ever looking out for him.

"Who pissed In his cornflakes?" asked Blaise, even he was shocked at the Nott boy's outburst.

"I'll go talk to him" Mattheo said as he climbed off the bed and headed to the door.
He looked at Amy with empathy knowing that she just wanted to make sure that he was ok.

"Blaise let's go" said Enzo as he got up

"Do we have to?" He whined

"Yes." Said Enzo sternly "Come on."

And they both walked out of the room leaving the girls to themselves.

"You okay?" Iris finally asked the blond

She looked up at her, hesitating for a moment, before saying "Yeah I'm fine...I'm just going to go to bed" and she walked into the bathroom and didn't say another word for the rest of the night.

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