chapter fourty

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"A detention on the first day back." Said Blaise, "I must say, I'm impressed Griffin."

Dinner in the Great Hall that night was some what pleasant for Amy. The news about her conversation with Umbridge had traveled exceptionally fast even by Hogwarts' standards. She had many people come up to her and fist-bump her. Unfortunately, she couldn't say the same for Harry.

"You did humble her." Enzo said proudly.

"She needed it." Iris agreed.

"You guys, I know you are so incredibly amazed by my violation but I don't think I can handle being in the limelight." Amy said with her hand on her heart.

"I understand." Blaise said placing a hand on the girls shoulder. "Not everyone can handle the fame."

"Please stop." Mattheo said to him.

"You're jealousy is showing Riddle." Blaise replied.

Mattheo rolled his eyes and the rest of them laughed at Blaise's ability to annoy anyone.

"I think someone might be waiting for you." Iris said teasingly, Amy turned to her and saw how she was looking at the doors to the Hall.

Amy looked over and saw how Harry was standing there awkwardly trying to get the girl to notice him.

"Time for your detention with Potter." Blaise said smirking.

"Did it have to be on the same day as him?" Theo asked, giving the boy a death glare.

"Calm down Nott," Iris said, "I don't think Umbitch will even let them speak."

"Um- who?" Enzo asked.

Iris turned to him and smiled. "Umbitch, it's my new name for her, it sounded quite fitting."

"You're so creative." He replied bluntly.

Amy rolled her eyes at them but definitely liked that nickname for her. She stood up and kissed Theo on the check and ruffled his hair. "See you guys later."

"Oh be so safe Amsie-poo!" Blaise called out to her in a desperate voice as she walked away, attracting the attention of many others around them.

She looked back and saw that Theo had moved his glare from Harry to Blaise.

"My heart longs for you when you are not around!" Blaise yelled, now standing up and reaching out for her.

Amy carried on walking as she covered her laughter. She reached Harry, who gave an awkward nod. "Let's get this over with then." She said.

Just as they were about to leave, Amy took one last look into the Hall and saw Theo throwing his pumpkin juice at Blaise.


They reached the dreaded office and Amy knocked on the door, a lot more aggressive then necessary.

"Come in!" Called a sugary voice, which made Amy want to throw up.

She opened the door and walked in cautiously, looking around. Once she saw the decor she wanted to turn right back round and never have to step foot in the room again.

The surfaces had all been draped in lacy covers and cloth. There were servals vases full of dried flowers, each one residing on it own doily, and on one of the walls was a collection of ornamental played, each decorated with a large technicoloured kitten wearing a different bow around it's neck. Amy saw how even Harry looked disgusted.

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