chapter nineteen

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The shouting and feeling of a feathery surface is what woke Amy up. She sat up to see Iris about to throw another pillow at her until she saw she was up.

"Fucking hell mate what time is it?" Amy asks rubbing her eyes

"Exactly 9:32am" Iris responded "no wonder you're tired, you came back well late last night."

That's when Amy remembered. Last night. Last night she had agreed to go to the Ball with Mattheo.  Mainly because Theo asked someone else but -

She was pulled out of her thoughts by being hit with another pillow.
"Stop daydreaming and get to the boys room, they are waiting for us." Iris said as she left the room.

Amy looked in the mirror and quickly brushed her hair, she kept her pyjamas on because they always keep them on while they do presents.

So once she made herself look socially acceptable, she grabbed a pile of presents which were hidden under her bed,  and headed to the boys dorm.

When she walked in she saw them all sitting in a circle in the middle of the room throwing sweets at each other. Once they heard the door open they all turned to her.

"Finally!" Blaise said as he was about to throw  a sweet.

"Sorry guys" Amy said taking a seat between Enzo and Mattheo, "but some of us need our beauty sleep."

Blaise turned to Iris "yeah you need it" he said

Iris then proceeded to throw the rest of the sweets that were in a box at him.

"Ok!"Enzo said, being the usual mum of the group, "presents, now I'll give mine out first."

He handed out all different shaped, wrapped boxes to each of them. Amy's was quite big. She opened it up to see a whole new book for her to draw in and watercolours.

"It's for when you take your time alone." Enzo said to her.

"Thanks Berkshire" she said as she blew him a kiss.

"Uh Enzo mate..." Mattheo said as he was holding a strange plant up, "what exactly is this?"

"Oh it's...uh lavender mate..." Enzo replied scratching the back of his neck, "supposed to....calm you down.." he said slightly embarrassed, "a friend...told me about it."

Mattheo still looked very confused.

"Ok can the next person just go?" Enzo asked

"Why of course Lorenzo" Blaise replied, pulling out his wrapped gifts and handing them out.

Blaise then handed out wrapped boxes, all of the same size, to everyone.

Amy opened hers and could say she was surprised by what was in it. Everyone was now inspecting their  matching bracelets. They were green and black with a snake charm on them. It also had all of their initials engraved on its

"Friendship bracelets?" Theo asked, still looking down at his box.

"It's not that simple Nott" Blaise said, "they are charmed"

"How so?" Iris asked confused

Blaise simply turned to Enzo next to him and punched him in the arm.

Amy suddenly felt a vibration in her hand coming from the bracelet. She looked down and saw how the "E" was now lighting up slightly.

"Blaise what the fuck?" Enzo asked annoyed, now holding his arm.

"Did you feel it?" Blaise asked the others "whenever someone wearing the bracelet is in pain it will alert the other people wearing it." He explained "Now because I only hit Enzo lightly it only vibrated, but if one of us was in serious shit it would start spazzing out."

We all looked back to our bracelets but a lot more impressed this time.

"Not bad Zabini" Amy said as she slid it on her wrist.

"Ok my turn." Iris said as she grabbed the boxes behind her of all different sizes from behind her.

Amy took hers and started unwrapping them. There were all different things like muggle perfumes and makeup products.

She saw Blaise looking over to see what Amy had opened.
"Oh so she gets a punch of designer stuff and I get breath spray?" Blaise asked annoyed.


After a lot more presents and shouting, the group had finally got dressed and headed down for breakfast.

Amy had received a lot of new books from Mattheo and a necklace from Theo that had a emerald gem in it, which she was very grateful for.

The group were eating in silence when Iris asked; "so Blaise which girl did you settle down with?"

We all looked to him curious as we know many girls had asked him but we didn't know who he was actually going with.

"Wouldn't you like to know" he replied looking at everyone with his signature smirk. "I guess you'll have to wait and see.

Iris then turned to Amy. "What about you?"

Amy was taken back. "What about me?" She asked back.

"Did you find anyone?"

Amy suddenly felt very awkward. She looked to Mattheo who was already looking at her. She looked back to her friend next to her. "Yeah I did actually" she said with an uncomfortable voice.

Iris' eye widened. "And you didn't tell me? Well who is it?"

Amy looked round and saw all of them looking at her with anticipation, all but Theo. He looked as though he was trying to read her mind.

Amy cleared her throat and stated. "I guess you'll have to wait and see."

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