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a/n: welcome to the sequel of Walk On Water, I hope you enjoy the book as we carry on Marshall and Avery's story 🫶🏻

I gripped onto the counter as I tried my best to dial Marshall's phone, "Av! Its Denaun, he's in-"

"Denaun, get him out of the booth" I said as I interrupted him trying to stay calm. "My water broke" I said softly, as I squeezed my eyes shut trying to ignore the shuffling on the other end of the phone.

"Avery, Avery" I heard Marshall's voice, "what happened, baby?" he asked as I heard the panic in his voice. I took a deep breath, "my water broke"

Marshall cleared his throat, "its happening?" he asked softly. "Yes"

"She's coming?" he asked softly.


I winced again in pain as I pushed through another contraction. "You are doing so good" Lane said as she tucked some loose hair behind my ear. "Where is your dad?" I asked as I threw my head back on the pillow.

"Hai's trying to get ahold of him right now" she said as she tried to keep me as calm as possible. My breathing started to increase, and I could feel another contraction coming, "I need him here, I just need your dad here" I cried out breathlessly as Lane tried to tend to me.

"I know, but you know dad is probably running here as fast as he can" Lane said softly before she let out a smile, "just think about the long awaited, fat ass drink you get to have after this is all over" she said as we busted out laughing.


Marshall POV

I sighed, "come on, Denaun" I said anxiously. "I gotta get there as fast as I can, man" I said as I ran my hands over my face. "I know Marsh, I'm trying" he said as he weaved in and out of traffic, blowing every light he could.

"Yo, yo yo make a left on West Auburn and it should bring you onto South Rochester" I said as my phone started to ring. "Hel- hello, Hailie?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Dad, where are you?" she asked calmly on the other end of the call. "I'm on my way baby, how's Avery doing?" I asked softly. "Everything is going smoothly so far, but she wants you" she said, "how much longer till you get here?"

I sighed knowing Denaun couldn't speed anymore without being pulled over. But I felt the car accelerate, "give me a few more minutes" I said softly.


"Hai!" I called out as I ran down the hallway, "what's going on?" I asked, trying to catch my breath. She shook her head, "not much, everything was moving pretty quick and then it just stopped" she said as we walked into Avery's room.

"Marshall" Avery said breathlessly, reaching out for me. "Yes, mama?" I said as I gently kissed on her, "you trying to have a baby without me?"

Avery sighed, "she was stubborn and wanted to come on her own time" she said as tears started to well up in her eyes. I let out a small smile, "baby, there is no reason to get upset. Everything is okay, I'm here"

"We're gonna have a baby" I said softly.


Seven hours later - 4:00 am

I sighed and ran my hands over my face as I stepped out of Avery's room, "anything new?" Lane asked as she followed behind me to the refreshment station. I shook my head, "no, and I know she's exhausted. I can see it"

"Why don't they just give her a c section?" Hai asked as I shoved my hands in my pockets. "I- I don't know. Her and the baby aren't really under any stress" I said as I shrugged. "And Mathers girls are pretty stubborn" I said as I let out a scoff.

"Look who freaking raised us" Lane said as she rolled her eyes as I pressed my tongue to my cheek, trying to hide my smile. But my smile quickly faded, after seeing medical personnel running into Avery's room. I immediately felt nauseated, and the red bull in my hand dropped to the floor as I ran to the room, hearing Avery scream out.

There was so much commotion, but I wanted to keep Avery calm. I didn't wanna draw attention to the fact that both Avery and the baby's heart rates were dropping on the monitor.

"Get her prepped for a csection!" a nurse yelled out.

"No, there's no time" someone else yelled out.

"The baby is breached!"

I could see Avery tried breathing through the pain, as tears continuously rolled down her cheeks. "Breath through it, baby" I said barely above a whisper.

"Come on Avery, you're gonna have to push hard to get her out!"

Avery shook her head, "I can't, I can't anymore" she cried out as tears streamed down her face. "You can do it" I said trying to encourage her. I quickly rested my head against Avery's praying for a fucking miracle, praying to anyone that would fucking listen, praying Doody could hear me right now.

A nurse hastily walked into the room assessing the situation, doing whatever she could to turn the baby properly, "one more big push for me honey, you got this" she said softly as the mood in the room changed.

It went from traumatic and panic to peaceful and grateful. One more push, and she was here.

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