Bonus Chapter - Heat

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[MATURE] 18+

Marshall POV
Six Weeks Later

"Marsh!" Avery called out as the front door swung open. "Shhh" I said as I met Avery at the front door, taking the baby carrier from her arms. Avery furrowed her eyebrows, "w- what?" she asked confused. 

"Tay finally went down for her nap" I said as she unbuckled Trent, setting him in his swing. Avery shook her head, "my poor girl, she's been so fussy lately" she said softly. "It also doesn't help that she fights sleep" I said as I walked back into the kitchen. 

"Mark my words" I said as I let out a laugh, "that girl is gonna be a night owl, causing all kind's of trouble" I said as Avery rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm sure she's just going through a growth spurt or something" she said as I shrugged. "How was the appointment today?" I asked as I continued to pile ham onto a piece of bread. "It went okay" Avery said, being short. 

"Yeah?" I asked as I took a bite out of my sandwich. Avery nodded, "Trent is healthy, and well above the percentile" she said as I nodded. "That's good, you never get tired of hearing your kids are healthy" I said softly. 

"I got cleared" Avery blurted out before a small smile curved my lips. "Yeah?" I asked as she nodded. I cleared my throat before pulling Avery into me, "I've missed you" I said as I pressed my lips to her skin. Soft moans of my name, were all that escaped her mouth as I sucked and kissed on her. "Come on" I breathed as our lips barely disconnected as we walked to the bedroom tangled in each other. 

"Mar- Marsh, the kids" she said as I shook my head. "They're sleeping, they'll be okay for a half hour" I said as I crawled on the bed, hovering over her as our lips connected again. "Relax for me, baby" I said as I lifted up her tennis dress, flopping on my stomach in between her legs. 

"Let daddy taste" I said as I teasingly latched my mouth to her core for a second before pressing a kiss to her inner thigh. "Marsh" Avery moaned out as she reached down and ran her fingers through my hair. 

"Yes baby" I said, letting out a small chuckle before doing it again. Making her a moaning mess as I started to take my time, sucking and licking. "God, Mars-" she moaned as I pulled back breathless as we made eye contact. 

"I want you" she said softly. "Yeah, you ready for this dick?" I asked as she nodded and chewed at her lip. I grabbed at her hips, pulling her toward me before I rubbed the tip of my dick through her folds feeling the wetness she created for me. I aligned myself with her, and closed my eyes, as I pushed myself in slowly. 

"Oh, Avery" I said as I gave her a second to adjust before I started to thrust. I watched as her face contorted, "w- what, am I hurting you?" I asked as I caressed her face. "I think I just have to get used to sex again, keep going" she said as I hesitantly started to thrust. Her face scrunched up more and she started to wince, "Avery" I said sternly as I pulled out. 

"Okay, okay" she whined out as she let out a sigh of defeat. "Its painful" she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. I quickly pulled her into me, "baby there is nothing to be upset about" I said. "You had a baby a couple of weeks ago, you have to give your body time to heal" I said as I tried to sooth her. 

"I didn't want you to think, I neglecting you or that part of our relationship" she said in between sniffles. I furrowed my eyebrows, "so you ran home and tried to have sex with me?" I asked as I let out a small chuckle as she let out a small sigh. 

"Baby, I'm not twenty five anymore" I said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek, "I know we have two kids under two but there will still be parts of life that will get stagnant" I said. "And I'm okay with that" I said as I pressed a kiss to her skin. 

There was a lingering silence between us, "Avery" she answered as I gently grazed my fingers along her skin. "Did Dr. Green really clear you today?" I asked as she shook her head. "No, she didn't" she said as her voice cracked.

"Marshall, I- I love our children" she stuttered, "but I wanted to get fucked by my husband and not be someones mom for ten minutes" she said as I bit my lip, trying to contain my smile. "I needed to cum" she said as I cleared my throat. "Remember, I can't fuck you properly if you don't heal mama" I said barely above a whisper, running my hand along her bare body.

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