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a/n: short little chapter, but I'm so excited for the upcoming chapters ahead!! 

Avery POV

"Marsh" I said softly as I swiveled back and forth in the rollie chair. "Yeah, baby?" he said as he turned to look at me, "why did I have to come here, for one of your meetings?" I questioned as I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Just hang tight for me baby, okay" he said as he pressed a kiss to my forehead and tangled his fingers in my hair. I let out a small sigh and sat, before the door opened and everyone walked in.

"Avery James, its good to see you sweetheart" Dre said as he walked in, before shooting me a smile. Everyone sat down, and got comfortable, "w- what's going on?" I asked as I quickly turned to Marshall. "Avery, baby we just wanna talk to you" he said softly as he tried to sooth me, as I waited for the conversation to continue. 

Paul cleared his throat, "you know that we've all heard you sing, and seen your chemistry with Marshall when you two sing" he said. I shrugged, "okay, and?" I asked as Marshall let out an annoyed sigh, "just spit it out, Paul" he said, causing me to jump. "Spit what out?" I asked as everyone went silent, before Marshall swiveled my chair toward him. 

"How would you feel about getting on stage with me?" he asked as I let out a nervous filled laugh, "like, a real stage?" I asked, as he nodded. "With a crowd in front?" I asked, as he nodded again. I shook my head as I started to sweat, "no, no, no" I kept saying over, and over. 

"The team is wanting to put together a Michigan show, just to see how it goes" Marshall said before Dre jumped in. "Avery, you are beyond talented and I hate to see it hidden" he said, "and both you and your husband pour your emotions into music, and its something that even I, have to sit back and watch in admiration" 

I said nothing, I just continued to shake my head. "Give her a few minutes" Marshall said as he waved everyone away. "Baby, I want you to listen to me. If you don't want to do this, then don't" he said. "You don't have to please me or anyone else in this room" he said softly. 

There was a small silence between us, "talk to me baby, what's on your mind?" he asked as his fingers grazed my skin lightly. "H- how am I going to go on stage, I don't have any material to do that" I said anxiously. "There's been discussions about that. There's also been discussions about how they want to plan it like a festival, only here in Michigan" he said, "kind of like Post Malone's festival down in Texas, other artists will fill in time slots and we'll be the closer" 

"They would like us to perform my female, male songs" he said as I let out a sigh. "They just want people to hear you baby" he said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. "Its only one weekend?" 

Marshall nodded, "if you agree to this, I want you to do this because you want to" he said, "but I would love to share the stage with you, at least once" he said as he brushed his nose against mine. 

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