Bonus Chapter - Call An Ambulance

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Avery POV
A few weeks later 

"You headed to bed, baby?" Marshall asked as he ran his hands up along my sides, pulling my back into his chest. I nodded, "without hesitation, your daughter hasn't listened from the minute she woke up"

"And your son has been sitting on my bladder, all day" I said as I let out a sigh, and leaned on the kitchen counter. Marshall let out a low chuckle as I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "are you laughing?" I asked as he nodded and continued to laugh harder. "Marshall" I whined out and grabbed at his shirt. 

"I just find it funny that when our kids do something good, they're yours. But when they do something bad or you've had enough with them, they're automatically mine" he said as he let out a sly smile, knowing he was getting on my nerves too. 

"I wish your son could sit on your bladder all day, see how you like it" I said as Marshall's hands started to roam my bump before he knelt down. "Be nice to your mama bud, I'm the one dealing with the consequences here" he said as I let out a small laugh, before I started to feel faint kicks. 

"He hears you, he started kicking" I said as I took Marshall's hand in mine and moved it to where the kicks were coming from. He quickly cleared his throat, "I love my kids, you know how much I love my daughters" he said before there was a small silence. 

"But I can't wait for him to get here" 


I let out a deep sigh, as I ran my hand through the empty sheets on Marshall's side of the bed. I sat up on the edge of the bed, uncomfortable and restless as I glanced over at the clock that read half past one. I shrugged nonchalantly, and walked down the hallway to see his office door closed and the light on. 

"Marshall?" I said as I opened the door, making eye contact with him. "Everything okay?" he asked as he cocked an eyebrow. I nodded as he reached out for my hand, taking it in his. "What's the matter, baby?" he asked as he pressed his lips to my skin. I sighed, "I'm restless, I'm ready to jump out of my skin" 

"No matter how many times I turn in the bed, or shove a ungodly amount of pillows under my back and legs I'm just not comfortable" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. "You know it was the exact opposite when you were pregnant, with Tay" he said as he tucked some loose hair behind my ear. 

"You were napping every chance you got" he said as I rolled my eyes, "not true" I said before I heard rustling, like someone was trying to open the front door. "D- did you hear that?" I asked as Marshall furrowed his eyebrows. We went silent as the rustling became louder, "Mars-" I started to say as he shook his head, as I watched him get up and grab his pistol before shoving it into the jaw string of his sweatpants. 

 He cleared his throat, "here" he said as he handed me a similar one, "just in case. I know, you know how to use it if necessary" he said as he softly placed a kissed to my forehead. The doorbell rang startling me, causing tears to stream my cheeks. "I want you to go upstairs and stay with Tay, do not come back down here until I come get you, understood?" he said as I nodded, trying to keep it together. 

Marshall walked out first, making eye contact with the front door. "I love you" he said before trying to force me up the stairs, but I shook my head continuously. "I don't wanna leave you" I whispered as the tears just flowed. "Avery look at me, I need you to protect yourself and our children" he said softly. "Please go upstairs" he said as I nodded, allowing Marshall to scope out the rest of the house while I quietly made my way up the stairs before I felt something grab my ankle. 

"Where you going Mrs. Mathers?" I heard an unfamiliar voice asked. I froze, noticing the back door was wide open. "P- please let me go" I said as I chewed at my lip. Time just stopped as this man was talking to me, "just let me walk down the stairs, or sit" I said as I tried to negotiate, "I'm pregnant" I said as the man let out a small laugh. 

He shrugged, "I don't fucking care" he said as he pulled me by the ankles, as he dragged me down the stairs I had climbed. A painful scream had left my mouth as I laid on the floor holding my stomach, trying to regain my breath. "Avery, Avery" I heard Marshall as he ran through the house, before realizing what happened. 

"You hurt her?" he asked with a dead stare. "I'm a really, big fan of yours" the unknown man said as Marshall shook his head. "No fan of mine, would hurt my pregnant wife" Marshall said as he grabbed him, knocking him out. 


"Av- Avery, 911 are on the way" Marshall said as he was knelt down beside me. "You gotta stay with me baby, stay with me until they get here" he said softly. 

"Tay" I managed to get out. "She's fine, she's still sleeping" he said. "Ryan and Denaun should be here any minute, they're gonna stay with her" he said before there was a knock at the door, causing me to jump. 

"Its okay, baby" he said as he got up, opening the door and allowing the guys to come in. They both fell silent as they walked through the hallway, sitting on the bottom step. "Avery" Denaun said softly as he took my hand in his. "I just wanna know, if my son's okay" I said as my voice cracked, and tears streamed down my cheeks. 

"Everything's gonna be okay Av, I promise" Ryan said. Through teary eyes I could see the lights of the ambulance pull up in the driveway, before they came in one by one. I remember questions at every turn, but it all blurred together. 

"Ma'am can you tell me where the pain is?" they asked. "How far along are you, how many weeks?" 

"Mr. Mathers, will you be riding with her in the ambulance or following behind?" they asked as Marshall paused his conversation with the officer. "I'm gonna follow behind in my car" he said as he watched the paramedics strap me on the gurney. 

"I will see you at the hospital, okay?" he said as he pressed a few kisses to my lips. I nodded as the wheeled me out, but I felt numb and in an unknown state. I was zoned out during the drive to the hospital, listening to the sirens wailing through the city and replaying what had happened tonight over and over in my head. 

It was all a blur, the whole night. As the wheeled me to a room and got me hooked up to a bunch of machines I just laid there thinking. Thinking how someone could actually have the intent to break into another person's home. Or the thought that this guy was an absolute piece of shit, and claims to be a fan of Marshall's. "What is this?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows, as the nurse started to wrap an elastic band around my belly.

"Its a belly band, it has a heart monitor on it so we can track your baby honey" she said as gentle as possible. "Once an OB comes down from labor and delivery, were gonna do an ultrasound for you" 

I nodded, "can we wait for my husband to get here?" I asked as the tears started to fall. She nodded and gently wiped the tears on my cheeks, "there's no need to cry honey, you're safe" she said soothing me. "I know when I was pregnant, I couldn't get comfortable anywhere, so I grabbed you a couple more pillows" she said as she helped me get settled. 

My body had eventually given into sleep, but when I opened my eyes I saw Marshall sitting on the chair in the corner with his arms folded and his hat down over his eyes. "Marsh" I said as I rustled in the blankets. There was a small silence, "the baby's heartbeat is strong" he said as he continued to look at the ground. 

"I- I've been listening to it for the past couple hours" he said as he nervously played with his wedding band. "Baby" I said as I reached out for him, as he stood up and sat on the edge of the cot. He cleared his throat, "first thing in the morning, I'm calling all my security guys" he said, "there is no reason why that guy should have even made it to the front door, let alone the back door" 

"Its over, everyone is okay" I said as Marshall shook his head, "you are not okay, you're all bruised up" he said. "I couldn't even imagine if something happened to the kids, Avery" he said as I put my head back on the pillow. "I love you, and I'm not jeopardizing anything" he said as he ran his hand over my bump.  

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