24 (part three)

833 24 6

Avery POV
August 6, 2022

"Marsh, Marshall?" I called out as I sat up in a bed that wasn't mine, in a bedroom that wasn't mine in a house that didn't belong to me either. I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, bringing my hand to my head as the headache set in, I was hungover. I groaned and rolled myself to the edge of the bed, twisting myself up in the covers before realizing I was only in my underwear. Still unsure of my surroundings and positive of the pounding headache, I grabbed a t shirt off the floor and threw it on before tiptoeing my way out of the bedroom.

"Marsh?" I whispered, still looking for him or anyone who could fill me in on where I was, or how last night ended. I sighed and walked aimlessly into the kitchen, rustling through the cabinets looking for a morsel of caffeine or acetaminophen. "Jesus, Avery" Denaun said as he shuffled into the kitchen. "Why you slamming the cabinets like that, and why are you wearing my shirt?" he asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Your shirt, these are your cabinets" I said as Denaun let out a scoff, "go sit, I'll make the coffee for you" he said as he took the pod from my hand. I quickly glanced over Denaun's refrigerator, seeing the countless reminders, invitations and dozens of pictures, "you have pictures of you and Tay on here" I said as I let out a small smile. "She's my goddaughter, why wouldn't I?" he asked as I shrugged, and hoisted myself up onto the counter.

"Denaun, will you help me with something?" I asked as he placed a freshly brewed up of coffee beside me, "I can definetly try my best" he said. I cleared my throat, "how did I end up in your bed undressed, where's Marshall?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows. He nodded and crossed his arms, "yeah, Marshall is passed out on the couch in the basement" he said, "last night did get interesting"

"What happened?" I asked. Denaun let out a chuckle, "I thought your husband has a wild streak when he was young, but you Mrs. Mathers gave him a run for his money last night" he said as he placed two Tylenol on the counter. "Oh, no" I said as I put my head in my hands, "do I even wanna know what happened?" I asked as he shrugged. "All I'll say is, there was more drinking, Calvin got you to smoke a little, and jealousy was definetly a thing" he said before taking a sip of his own coffee. I sighed, hopping off the counter taking the coffee mug in my hand, before going to find Marshall.

As quiet as possible I made my way down to the basement, finding Marshall on the couch with a blanket haphazardly thrown over him. I let out a small smile as I softly ran my hand over his bearded face, "Marsh" I said as his eyes fluttered open, as he let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, baby?" he said as his fingertips traced my skin. "I don't even remember coming back here, last night" I said softly. He cleared his throat and sat up quickly, "yeah, last night was interesting" he said softly.

"Are you upset with me?" I asked softly as he let out another sigh, "n- no baby" he said as he caressed my face. "I couldn't be more proud watching you come out of your comfort zone last night. I should be one to understand that being on stage is something indescribable, and to do it with people who enjoy it just as much as you is even better" he said as he tucked some loose hair behind my ear. "And how many people can say they smoked with Snoop Dog?" Marshall asked as I let out a small laugh. "I'm happy that I can give you this experience" he said before he started peppering my skin with kisses. I let out a small breathy moan as I enjoyed the affection, "Marsh, tell me something" I said as his lips were still attached to my skin.

"How did I end up in Denaun's bed, in only my underwear and you down here?" I asked as Marshall chewed at his lip. "I fucked you, like one of Shady's little sluts" he said barely above a whisper as he snaked one hand around my neck, as the other caressed one of my bare breasts under the t shirt I was wearing. "After we were done you told me you were tired, so I came back down here to hang out with everyone" he said as he laid his head on my chest. I let out a scoff, "that makes a lot more sense" I said softly before his phone started to ring.

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