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Avery POV
One Day Earlier

I barely got into the driver's seat as my phone rang for the thousandth time, "God, what" I whined out as I grabbed it. "Hello?" I said as I answered the call, "Hey, Ave-" Sam started to say before I interrupted her.

"Are you gonna ask me about the damn envelope, again?" I asked as she pursed her lips, "of course not" she said as she tried to play it off. "Well, you don't have to keep calling me because the envelope is secured" I said as I flashed it toward the camera, as her eyes lit up.

"I'm sorry I'm being annoying about the envelope, I'm just anxious" she said, "I wanna know already" she said as I let out a small laugh. "I know you do, but its less than twenty four hours till y'all find out" I said, knowing that wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"But, I'm gonna let you go, I have a few things to get done before tomorrow" I said as I went to end the call. "I can tag along, I have nothing to do!!" Sam yelled, causing me to jump a little. I let out a small laugh, "any other day I would pick you up in a heartbeat, today, not so much" I said as Sam poked out her lip. "If you think I'm gonna let you come with me while I shop for your gender reveal, you've lost your marbles honey" I said as Sam whined out my name. "And you're supposed to be watching the boutique" I said as I rolled my eyes, ending the call.

I quickly dialed Marshall as he answered on the second ring, "you got the envelope, ma?" he asked as a small smile crept across my face. "I got it" I said as I could feel myself getting choked up. "Rip that shit open, baby" he said as I couldn't get the envelope open fast enough, reading the results. I wiped the tears that fell uncontrollably, "what's the gender?" he asked as I tried to compose myself the best I could. I cleared my throat, "they're, having a boy" I said as my voice cracked.


Day of Gender Reveal Party

"Mark, Samantha!" I called out as I hauled the grocery sacks into the house, with Marshall following behind me. "In the kitchen" she answered, as I walked down the hallway, meeting her in the kitchen and dropping everything to the floor.

"So, I'm gonna need you and your husband out of the house for the next couple of hours" I said as Sam pursed her lips. "We can help y'all set up" she said as I shook my head, "fat chance Avery will allow that to happen" Marshall said as he hauled in more groceries. "Also Hai, and Lane flew in for everything so I have enough hands for helping" I said, "you and Mark should spend some quality time together, go to lunch or the movies" I said as I shrugged.

"Two cents from someone who's done this a time or two, you're gonna miss being able to just get up and go whenever and wherever you want" Marshall said, "take the opportunity while you can" he said as Mark walked into the kitchen, making eye contact with Sam. "Mark, w- we have to go" Sam said as grabbed her stuff and headed out the door. I sighed, "way to go, you just scared them out of parenthood" I said as I shook my head as Marshall shrugged, "no turning back now, the deed is done" he said as he pulled me into him as I chewed at my lip.

"Dad, Avery!" the girls called out as the walked in the front door. "Kitchen!" we answered back in unison, before hearing Tatum babble down the hallway. "What is all that babbling, Tay?" Marshall asked as he took Tatum in his arms and peppered her with kisses, as she grabbed for his beard. "Marsh, will you feed her so she can go down for her nap?" I asked as I finished warming up her bottle, as he nodded, and Tatum cuddled into his chest.

"Where do you want us to start?" Lane asked, as her and Hai continued taking stuff out of grocery sacks. "Y'all can have at the decorating, I'm not in the mood for that" I said as I shook my head, and pushed all the decorations toward the girls. "I will do my best, food wise" I said as I started rummaging through the cabinets.

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