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[MATURE] 18+

Avery POV
November 24, 2022 - Thanksgiving Day

It was quiet throughout the house as I made myself a cup of coffee, and brought it to the living room to sip on it uninterrupted before absolute craziness erupted in the house. I mindlessly scrolled on my phone glancing over at the baby monitor, seeing Tatum asleep in her crib. "You enjoying the peace, baby?" Marshall asked barely above a whisper, as he made his way into the living room and plopping himself on the couch next to me.

I let out a small laugh, "yeah" I said as I ran my fingers through my bed head. He let out a deep sigh and pulled the blanket up on him haphazardly, "a lot has changed in a year" he said as my eyes roamed to the baby monitor. "You ain't kidding" I said, "I can't even wrap my head around the fact, that its her first Thanksgiving"

Marshall nodded, "that's also why I invited your family, I want them to be here for as many of her first as they can" he said as we made eye contact. "I- I really appreciate that, Marsh" I said as I grazed my nails over his skin. I cleared my throat, "Marshall, I- I have to tell you something" I said before there was a small silence between us.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "are you pregnant?" he asked kinda joking, kinda hoping I was serious. I shook my head, "no" I said, "I just, I'm gonna need you to not be mad when I tell you this" I said as I chewed at my lip. Marshall sat up, "Avery, what are you talking about?"

"After your induction your mom reached out to me" I said as he interrupted me, "d- don't tell me what I think you're gonna tell me, Avery" he said as he continuously shook his head. I scrunched my nose up, "she asked if we had any plans for the upcoming holidays, I felt obligated Marshall" I said defensive. He let out a sigh, "so, she's coming for dinner?" he asked as he shoved his hands in his pajama pants pockets. I nodded, "honestly that's great, yo, while we're at it why don't you invite Kim" he said as he walked off into the kitchen, mumbling to himself.

I followed behind him, "if I'm not mistaking you made amends with your mom, and Kim for that matter" I said softly. "I- I did, I just don't want to go backwards Avery" he said as he ran his hand over his beard. "I really wanna know how she got your number, considering the last time she was here it didn't go so well" he said as he pursed his lips. I shrugged, "its our daughters first Thanksgiving, lets not loose sight of that, okay?" I said as he pulled me into him.


I could hear Marshall's footsteps and Tatum's babbling throughout the house as I continued to make breakfast. "Look whose awake, mama" Marshall said as he walked into the kitchen with Tatum in his arms. She immediately started to kick her feet, "ma-ma" she said as I let out a small smile, "yes, baby" I said as I took her in my arms. "Are you ready for breakfast?" I asked as I buckled her into her highchair, before putting some scrambled eggs and raspberries on her tray.

Marshall and I watched her intently as she moved the food around on her tray, before picking it up and smiling, showing us her bottom and now top teeth. Tatum held the egg in her hand as she furrowed her little eyebrows, "is it good, Tay?" Marshall asked as she tried to feed it to him. "You eat it baby, daddy's not hungry" he said before she went back to examining her breakfast.

"Is this the first time she's having eggs?" Marshall asked as I nodded, "yeah, I don't know if she likes it" I said as Tatum started to spit it out. "I'm gonna take it as, she doesn't like the eggs" he said as I rolled my eyes, and handed her a yogurt pouch. "That's the first time I've ever given her eggs, I'll try it a few more times and if she's still spitting out, then we know for sure"

"Its may also be the texture she doesn't like" I said as the front door swung open, "Dad, Avery!" we heard down the hallway. "Kitchen!" we yelled back in unison, as the girls made their way into the kitchen. "Good morning, Happy Thanksgiving!" Lane said happily as Hailie dragged behind her. "Lane got me out of bed before I could do anything" she said with her eyes barely open as I let out a small laugh. "There is coffee brewed over there, we have a lot to do today" I said as she let out a groan.

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