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a/n: kinda choppy, but she's here! baby Tatum is here

Marshall POV
March 14, 2022

I pressed my lips to Avery's skin, as her eyes began to flutter open. My lips curled up into a smile, "morning, ma" I said as she let out a sleep smile to the sound of my voice. "Guess who's going home today" I said as I tucked some loose hair behind her ear. 

"Really?" she asked, her voice raspy. I nodded and sat back on my makeshift bed, "they let me know this morning that they were getting the discharge paperwork together" I said before there was a silence. "I- I already made a few trips to the car" I said, "and brought up her car seat" I said as I started to ramble. 

"You hungry, I ordered you breakfast" I said as I moved the hospital tray closer to her, before pressing another kiss to her forehead. "Marshall" Avery said softly, grabbing at my arm. I cleared my throat, "yeah, baby?" 

"You nervous?" she asked as she took a bite of toast. I pressed my tongue to my cheek as I let out a scoff, "why do you say that?" I asked as she shrugged. "I don't think you took a breath during that whole sentence" she said, as she grazed her nails across my skin putting me at ease.

"Maybe, a little" I said as Tatum softly cooed, as we both looked over to her.


There was a soft knock on the door before it opened, "you guys ready to bring baby girl home?" the nurse asked as Avery and I nodded. "Mr. Mathers, do you mind bringing the car around for the girls?" 

I nodded, grabbing the keys and the last few bags before caressing Tatum's face and kissing Avery before walking out. As I made my way to the car, I sat in the driver's seat and took a minute to let everything soak in. 

My phone ringing broke the silence, "hello?" I said as I answered the phone. "Hey, did you guys leave yet?" Lane asked on the other end of the call. "Just pulled the car around, they should be wheeling them down now" I said. "I was just curious" she said, as I heard the excitement in her voice. I let out a small laugh, "see you in a little bit, love you" I said as I hung up, seeing Avery out of the corner of my eye.

I quickly got out of the car, and took Tatum's car seat from the nurse. As I clicked her into her seat I choked back tears. She was here. 

"You okay, baby?" I asked as I turned toward Avery. She nodded as I was watched her intently as she lifted herself up from the wheelchair, letting out a sigh of releif as she made it to the car. "I am so proud of you" I said as I helped her get settled, before closing the door. 


"Av, look" I said as I pulled into the driveway. "Oh my goodness, the girls didn't have to do that" Avery said as she poked her lip out. I continued to watch her intently as she slowly got out of the car, "you okay?" I asked cautiously, as I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"I'm just sore" she said softly. "When we get inside, I want you to get changed and rest" I said as I grabbed Tatum out of the car. "If you need something, someone here can get it for you" I said as I walked into the house, as she followed behind me.

"Dad, Avery!" the girls called out, as they greeted us at the door before they oh and awed over the baby. "Can we take her out?" Hai asked as Avery let out a small laugh, "you don't have to ask" she said as she shook her head, as I took her hand in mine. "Come with me" I said as I led her to the bedroom. 

She sighed as she sat on the bed, "I know you'll feel a lot better when you're in some fresh pajamas" I said, "you need some help changing?" I asked, as she nodded. I gently removed her shirt, replacing it with one of mine before pressing my lips to hers. She smiled in the kiss, "stand up for me, baby" I breathed as our lips lingered on one anothers as I pushed her leggings down, only to replace them with a pair of my sweats. "I love you" I said softly as I pressed my forehead against hers, taking in the moment before we walked back into the living room. 

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