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[MATURE] 18+

Marshall POV
February 14, 2023

"Yo, Marsh" Denaun said as I swiveled my chair toward him, "yo" I said. "I'm surprised you're still here man, I thought you'd be headed home to be with your girls" he said as I quickly furrowed my eyebrows. 

"What are you talking about, D?" I asked confused as Denaun's eyes widened, "Marshall, today's Valentines Day" he said as I froze. "Shit, shit, shitttt!" I said as I threw my head back, running my hand over my face. "Your fucking with me, aren't you?" I said, secretly hoping he was. He shook his head, "sorry man, its February fourteenth" he said. 

"Fuck me" I said under my breath, "lately Tay's been having some really bad night, so they were sleeping when I left this morning. It completely slipped my mind" I said as I grabbed my jacket and keys. "Maybe Myers still has flowers or something?" I said softly as Denaun scrunched his nose up.

 "I'm not a complete idiot, I've had their presents locked in my office for week or so" I said as Denaun shrugged, "I don't know, Myers should still have flowers" he said. "Oh also, when Avery kills you, I get dibs. Don't worry, its just a little thing between me, and Curt and Dre" he said as he let out a laugh as I rolled my eyes, as I headed for the door. 

"Can't go wrong with chocolate either!"

I sighed as I got in the car, revving the engine and peeling out of the parking lot turning the corner to Myers. "Flowers, flowers" I said to myself as I walked into the grocery store seeing the floral department depleted. I bit my lip as my anxiety heightened, seeing any other flower than a rose. "I just need, some fucking roses" I said under my breath, as a worker came out with another box.

"Ma'am, ma'am" I said as I ran over to her, "can I please have two bouquets, please?" I asked as she shook her head. "I'm sorry, these are not for sale" she said innocently as I cleared my throat, "I will pay whatever I have to pay, please, I just, please" I said as I stumbled over my words, defeated. She looked around before handing me a pink and red bouquet as I let out a small smile, before digging into my pocket for cash to hand to her, "Happy Valentine's day, thank you!" I said before taking off across the store.

I rolled my eyes as my phone started to vibrate and Denaun's name came up across the screen, "what" I said as I answered the call. "How goes it at Myers, did you find flowers?" he asked. I let out a scoff, "yes Denaun, I found flowers" I said barely concentrating on the conversation as I mindlessly threw things into the cart. "I'll catch you later man, I have to get this stuff home" I said as I made my way to the self checkout line before heading home. I pulled in the driveway and parked before I quickly grabbed everything out of the backseat before heading inside, "Av?" I called out as I heard the pitter patter of Tatum's footsteps on the floor. "Hey" she said softly, as she continued to eat mac and cheese from the pot. 

"Happy Valentine's day, baby" I said as she scrunched her nose up. "What is all this?" she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows, looking toward the grocery sacks on the counter. I cleared my throat nervously, "I made a quick stop at Myers" I said as I felt the tension, "are you mad at me?" I asked softly. Avery sighed, "I am just, slightly irritated" she said. "I haven't heard from you all day, and then you wanna rush in here with grocery sacks?"

"I forgot, okay. I fucking forgot Valentines Day" I said as took my hat off and threw it on the counter. "I've had yours and the kids presents locked in my office for over a week but I knew I couldn't walk into this house empty handed, so I stopped by Myers" I said as I walked down the hallway to my office to get the gifts. "Da-da" Tatum said as she followed behind me, as I grabbed her, setting her on my hip before I walked out with the gift bags. "Tay, look at daddy" I said as I set her on the counter, "look what daddy got for you, pink flowers" I said as I placed it next to her.

I reached into the gift bag, "look, baby" I said as she reached out for the teddy bear pulling it into her chest. "I love you" I said as I kissed her forehead before looking up to Avery, "mama's turn" I said softly as I placed the red roses next to her on the counter as I bit my lip, sliding her gift bag across the counter. Avery cleared her throat, before pulling out a jewelry box and opening it as her eyes lit up, "a tennis bracelet, Marsh, its, its beautiful" she said softly. I walked around to the other side of the counter, pulling her into me as I pressed a kiss to her temple, "there's also some chocolate covered strawberries and cheesecake for later" I said in whisper.

"Now, I'm gonna put Tatum to bed, and when I come back downstairs I wanna see you have the bracelet on" I said, "let me rephrase that, the bracelet better be the only thing you have on" I said before taking Tatum upstairs.


After finally getting Tatum to fall asleep, I ran to the bedroom stripping myself in the process. I was wasting no time. "Av- Avery, please tell me you're still awake" I said as I swung the bedroom door open finding her under the covers watching tv. "Did she not wanna fall asleep?" she asked as I shook my head and sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "I don't even wanna talk about it, I have one thing on my mind right now" I said as I crawled up on the bed, hovering over her, as our lips connected.

She sucked on my bottom lips as her hands went for my chest grazing her nails across my skin, before she let out a soft moan. My hand quickly spread apart her thighs, revealing her core as my hands roamed before I slowly kissed down her body to where she wanted me, to where she needed me the most. She bucked her hips up at me as I let out a small chuckle, "tell daddy what you want, baby" I said as softly.

"Do you want daddy to eat you out?" I asked as I teasingly latched my mouth to her core for a second, before pressing a kiss to her inner thigh. "Marshall" Avery moaned out she ran her hand through my hair. "Yes, baby?" I said with a small laugh as I did it again, making her a moaning mess as I started to take my time, sucking and licking.

"Oh fuc- Marshall" she moaned as I pulled back breathless as my eyes connected with hers, "you ready for this dick, you want this dick baby?" I asked as I grabbed at her hips, pulling her toward me before I rubbed the tip of my dick through her folds before I pushed myself inside, watching her take every inch of me. Taking no time, I thrusted deeper, giving her long strokes as she could barely get her words out, as I continued to pick up the pace.

"Don't stop, please don't stop" she begged as I continued to pound her attaching my lips to her neck. I could feel her tighten around me as her nails dug deep into my chest, "ple- please fill me up" she said as she gripped the sheets, as my thrusts became sloppy and slow as I released my load. Nothing was said, as we sat there for a minute, breathless, as I connected my lips to her skin sloppily leaving kisses. 

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