Bonus Chapter - Blindsided

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Avery POV
November 27, 2023

I sighed as I walked up and down the hallways of the house knowing every ache and pain felt different today. "Avery?" I heard my name called out, at the end of the hall to see Kim standing there. "You doing okay, I came to check on you" she said as I waddled my way back toward her.

I shook my head, "I'm in a lot of pain, and I feel like I hit a brick wall" I said as she let out a low chuckle, "I've had a few kids myself, I can tell you're uncomfortable" she said as I nodded. "Lets get you comfortable on the couch" she said as we walked back to the living room, as Marshall caught a glimpse of us.

"H- hey, you doing okay?" he asked as his eyes got wide. I nodded as I haphazardly threw the blanket over myself, "don't let her lie to you, Marshall" she said as she shook her head. "She's in pain, exhausted and look how low he's dropped" she said as she ran her hand over my bump. He let out a sigh, "I've been up her ass, telling her to take it easy" Marshall said as he chewed at his lip. Kim rolled her eyes, "Marshall don't play stupid, this has nothing to do with Avery, taking it easy" she said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Her body is preparing for labor" Kim said before there was a silence between us, "I mean, I could be wrong but I did have three kids" she said as she shrugged. "I do have to head out and grab Parker, but keep me updated" she said as she said her goodbyes and headed out. I sat up quickly, "I- I'm not ready, I still have so much to do" I said as I shook my head. "Avery, Avery please relax for me baby" he said as pressed his lips to my skin. "I don't want you all stressed out and running around the house" he said as I nodded in agreement. "Maybe I'll just go lay down for a little bit" I said as he caressed my face. "I'll come check on you in a few minutes"


Marshall POV

"Normally Avery and I go toe to toe on everything, but this season she hasn't yelled at me once" Nate said as I rolled my eyes. "I think she has a little more on her mind than football, man" I said softly.

Denaun furrowed his eyebrows, "yo, you good?" he asked as he grabbed a couple diet cokes from the fridge, and slid one across the counter. I nodded as I ran my hands over my face, before letting out a sigh. My nod quickly turned into a shake, "I just hate seeing Avery uncomfortable, especially when there's nothing I can do to fix it"

Nothing was said as I watched the chaos in the house unfold. I watched as the girls videoed Evan and Matt chasing Tay around as her little feet hit the hardwood. "Marshall" I heard Avery say as she stood in the doorway of the bedroom. "Yeah baby, you need me?" I asked as she nodded and chewed at her lip, "my, water broke" she said as tears started to stream down her cheek. It felt like everything had come to a halt, "really?" I asked as she nodded again.

"I- I was trying to pack the hospital bag but the contractions keep getting worse" she said as she gripped the doorway, running a hand across her belly. "Avery James" I said softly as I made my way across the living room, toward the bedroom. I took her hand in mine as we walked back into the bedroom, "you told me you'd come in here and lay down" I said as I grabbed a pair of my sweats and fuzzy socks for her to put on. "I-I'm sorry, I just needed to keep my mind off everything" she said as I slid the sweatpants up her legs before letting out a sly smile, "you don't think I know you better than that?" I asked jokingly.

She nodded before letting out a wince, "you're okay" I said as I placed my hand on top of hers noticing her bump had become really tight. Avery started to take a few deep breaths, "its just a contraction" she said as I cleared my throat. "Yo, can someone start the car for me?" I yelled out as Nate ran into the bedroom, grabbing the keys from me.

"Na- Nate, tell one of the girls to call the hospital and notify them" I said as he nodded. "You think you can walk to the car for me?" I asked as I pushed some loose hair behind her ear. "I- I think so" she said as she continued to breath. "If you can't, there are plenty of guys to carry you to the car" I said as I pressed my lips to her skin.

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