14 (part one)

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Marshall POV
A Few Weeks Later - June, 2022

I walked into the boutique as I chewed on my lip trying to contain a small smile. "What?" Samantha asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Iced coffee?" I asked, placing a cup on the counter and pushing it toward her. 

"You're up to something, Mathers" she said as she grabbed a hold of the coffee, "let's hear it" she before bringing the cup to her lips, taking a sip. I leaned on the counter, "I wanna take Avery away for a couple days" I said as I ran my hand over my beard.

 "Yeah?" she said, sounding intrigued. I nodded, "its been a hell of a couple months, I think its much needed" I said as she let out a laugh. "Ain't nothing some quality time, margaritas and a good orgasm cant fix" she said nonchalantly, as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. 

"Who's watching the baby?" Samantha asked, walking from behind the counter to hang some clothes on a rack. I cleared my throat, "I- I wanted to ask you first, but if not I can just fly one of the girls out" I said as I stood up, shoving my hands in my pockets.

Samantha shook her head, "Mark and I will watch her" she said as I nodded, "thank you" 


As I walked into the apartment soft lullaby's filled the silence, "Av?" I whispered out as I softly set my keys down. I made my way to the bedroom, seeing Avery in bed asleep with Tatum laying across her chest. My heart instantly melted. I walked over to Avery's side of the bed, leaning over, and pressing my lips to her skin as I let them linger a little. 

Her eyes fluttered open as she let out a deep sigh, "Marshall?" she asked, her voice raspy. "Yeah baby?" I said as I took Tatum from her, placing her in her bassinet. "What are you doing home?" she asked as I ran my hand through her hair. 

"I left work a little early" I said as I sat on the edge of the bed, "oh" she said as she nodded, as I pulled her into me. "You think you can do me a favor, baby?" I asked, in between attaching and detaching my lips from her neck. "Yeah, what is it?" 

"I need you to pack, for a couple days" I said as she quickly furrowed her eyebrows, "like for both Tatum and I?" she asked softly. I shook my head, "not for Tatum, just for you" I said as I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. 

She sat back against the headboard, "you planned something didn't you?" she asked as I let out a small laugh, "so what if I did?" I asked, as I hovered over Avery, connecting our lips before letting them linger. "Just trust me?" 

I could see her happiness start to fade into fear, "w- who's watching Tatum?" she asked, "she's still only a couple of months old and no one's ever watched her overnight before" she said as I pulled her into me trying to sooth her. "Worrying about leaving her is normal, but Samantha and Mark are going to stay with her, baby" 

"And you know by some chance, if they couldn't, I would have flown the girls out" I said, "I would not have made you uncomfortable like that" I said as Avery buried her head into my chest. 

"With everything that's happened in the past couple months, I just want you to be completely relaxed for a couple days" I said softly, "I promise you, it's not that far away either" 

Avery let out a small sigh, "I love you" she said as she ran her hand over my beard, "you more" I said as I brushed my nose against hers. She pushed herself off the bed, to where she was standing in front of me, "what kinda outfits do I need to pack for this, trip?" she asked, softly grazing the nape of my neck. 

She was trying to seduce the answer out of me. 

"Avery James" I said as I chewed at my lip, as she started to pepper my skin with kisses. "Yeah baby?" she said as I let out a small scoff. She had me turned on and she knew it, but I wanted to wait until this weekend. I pressed my tongue to my cheek, "I think you know exactly what to pack, ma"

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