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a/n: I know they announced Marshall was going to be inducted in early May, and the anniversary album was released yesterday. I want as many true events in the story as possible, just bare with me when it comes to the time line (especially now, cause I'm trying to write in the future)

Avery POV
One week later

"Tay, you wanna get in the water with Aunt Sam?" she asked as she reached out, taking Tatum from my hands. I let out a small smile as Tatum furrowed her little eyebrows, confused as she splashed her hands in the water. "What is that, peanut?" I asked, as she smiled scrunching up her nose the same way I did.

"Tay, you wanna call daddy and show him you're in the pool?" I asked as I grabbed my phone, calling Marshall. One ring, two rings, three rings. Unavailable. I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed.

Before I could put my phone down, my phone started to ring and Marshall's name came up across the screen, "hello?" I said as I answered it. "I'm sorry I didn't answer baby, I was in the booth. What's going on?" he asked as Tatum quickly turned her head after hearing Marshall's voice. 

I turned the camera toward Sam and Tatum, "Tay, look at daddy" I said. "Baby girl, are you in the pool?" he asked as she let out a gummy smile, scrunching her nose up again. "Is she enjoying it?" he asked as I nodded. "I'm sure she's cooled off in the pool from the heat, but she loves splashing in the water" 

"She's gonna be a little fish" he said, "during the summers, you couldn't get the girls out of the water for nothing" he said happily. "I'll make sure the pool is ready, before we get back to Michigan" 

"But I have to get back, so we could finish this album release" he said, "but I'll be home in a little bit, I love you" he said as I nodded. "You more" I said before hanging up and throwing my phone to the side. There was a small silence, "you guys are going back to Michigan?" Sam asked. 

I nodded, "we talked about it the other night" I said. "Avery, I'm sure he misses his kids and vice versa, and they wanna probably wanna see Tay" 

"Yeah, Hai called about a week or so ago" I said, "said she missed Tatum, and us" I said as I shoved some fruit in my mouth. Sam sighed, "can you blame them?" she asked, "when's the last time they even saw her in person?" she asked as she rubbed Tatum's back as she started to close her eyes. 

I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe April?" I said. "I understand that you, and Marshall we're dealing with a lot" she said, "but you guys are trying to be in two places at once to appease everyone, and at some point Tatum is going to need a stable environment, she's going to go to school and have friends" 

"You won't be able to do that" 

I cleared my throat, "I know" I said softly. "So, you saw the pictures on Insta from Mother's Day brunch" I said barely above a whisper, as Sam nodded. "Yeah, how did that even happen?" she asked as she let out a laugh. 

"My dad reached out to Marshall" I said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. "I don't blame my parents for trying, and wanting to meet their grandchild. There were just occasions  the family business, pushed me away"

Sam rolled her eyes, "I was also told, that my father got into a fight with my grandfather after I left for Michigan for letting everything happen" I said as I looked down. "Its about time someone said something, Avery" 

"After that brunch, some family members and I are one a whole different level of understanding. Before Marshall I don't think my family ever thought I would walk away from conflict, and I would just continuously take their shit forever, but he changed that and helped shape me into a stronger person" I said softly. "Are you leaving the Cowboys?" Sam asked as she turned her head quickly. 

"Not yet, I still want my share" I said with a small laugh, "But I did tell my parents, and brothers  that they are more than welcome to come out to Michigan to come see us"



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I sat in bed mindlessly flipping through channels, as I heard the clunk of keys being set down on the counter before Marshall walked into the bedroom. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me into him as we sat in silence for a minute, only hearing noise coming from the tv. 

"Long day?" I asked as Marshall nodded, "I understand its an anniversary album, but I just want to release it already, it's just stressing me the fuck out" he said as he shook his head. 

"I'm sorry" I said softly as I pressed my lips to his, "everything will work out baby, I know you have a way of perfecting everything" 

Marshall sighed, "I uh, I also have something to tell you but I don't want you to freak out" he said softly as I furrowed my eyebrows. Marshall cleared his throat, "you know this was my first year of eligibility for the rock and roll hall of fame" he said as I nodded, "and there was a bunch of voting going on for it" 

I nodded again. "I'm gonna be inducted in, in the fall" 

"Shut the fuck up" I said almost speechless, wrapping my arms around Marshall's neck as we both fell back on the bed. "I am so proud of you" 

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