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Avery POV
June, 2022 - Father's Day

It was quiet throughout the house as I made myself a cup of coffee and brought it to the living room to enjoy it uninterrupted. I glanced at the baby monitor seeing Marshall and Tatum still soundly asleep, then looked over at the clock that read 8:30 am. I knew my father would be awake, he was always awake.

I dialed my dad's phone number, "hello?" he said on the other end of the phone."Happy Father's Day, dad" I said softly. I could hear the smile in his voice, "thank you baby girl, what'ya doing up at this hour?" he asked as his southern drawl got heavier as he let a laugh out.

I let out a small laugh, "I'm a wife, and mom now" I said softly as he sighed, "yeah, crazy for me to wrap my head around still" he said softly, "it feels like just yesterday you were running around the field chasing after your brothers with those big ol' bows your mama used to put in your hair" he said with a small laugh.

"or when you'd spend the day with me at headquarters, you'd tell me over and over that when you were grown you wanted to do what I did" he said softly. "You made sure I got what I wanted" I said softly. "Absolutely, you're my baby girl"

There was silence for a second before my dad cleared his throat, "how's that little peanut of yours?" he asked as I sighed, "she's good, she's growing way to fast. And you know she has Marshall wrapped around her finger" I said with a small laugh.

"I'm sure, that little girl is a spitting image of you. And you've had me wrapped around your finger your whole life" he said, "enjoy everything because before you know it, she will be good and gone" he said softly. "Yeah" I said barely above a whisper.

"What are y'all doing for Father's day?" my dad asked as I took a sip a coffee, "I don't know, I'll probably make Marshall some breakfast and I'm sure the girls will head over later" I said softly.

"The way you and his girls are together, seems similar to the relationship you have with Samantha" he said as I let out a small scoff, "it definitely didn't start out that way" I said. "But its gotten so much better over time, all they wanted was someone to love their dad, for him" I said. 

I looked over to toward the baby monitor, seeing Tatum stir in her sleep, "dad, I'm gonna have to let you go. Tay is waking up" I said. "Love you, Happy Father's Day, again" I said before hanging up and headed to the bedroom. 

I grabbed her out of her bassinet and walked back into the living room as I smothered her with kisses. My daughter had followed in my footsteps and wasn't much of a morning person either, but she loved to be loved on first thing when she woke up. I quickly changed her diaper for a fresh one, then brought her to my chest under a blanket as she started to grabbed at me.

"You hungry, baby girl?" I asked as she latched on to me. I sighed as I held her taking in the moment just the two of us, because as soon as she saw Marshall I was chopped liver. I smiled and scrunched my nose at Tatum as she reached out for me, grabbing at my nose then tangling her fingers in my hair.


"Ready to make daddy some breakfast?" I asked Tatum walking into the kitchen, setting her in her bumbo seat on the counter. I started grabbing ingredients from the pantry and refrigerator and started to mix them, as Tatum cooed and played with her toy in front of me.

"Are you making pancakes?" Marshall asked in his raspy, morning voice as he walked into the kitchen, pulling me into him. "Yes, chocolate chip" I said softly, "Happy Father's Day" I said as I kissed him softly before Tatum let out a loud whine.

We both let out a laugh as we looked over to her, "Tay, what's all the noise for?" he asked her as she gave him a gummy smile back, before he attacked her with kisses. "You walked into the room and didn't give her attention"

"I know it annoys you that Tatum is like that, but I love it" he said softly. Him and I made eye contact with each other, "the girls used to be the same way when they were little, but shit was all sorts of crazy and upside down at the time" he said as I ran my hand across his back. "I don't know if I sound crazy or not, but I try and take in every second I have with Tatum because at the time we were just getting through"

"I wanted it to be over, I wanted to be out of the rut I was in" he said softly. "But wanting it to be over, meant my girls are grown up"

I ran my fingers through Marshall's hair, "you are an admirable, loving father, and all your girls love you" I said. "Even you?" he asked with a small smirk. "Especially me"

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