24 (part one)

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Avery POV
August 4, 2022

I don't know how I agreed to this festival, but I did. I agreed to singing on stage in front of huge crowds of people. But I didn't want the opportunity to pass, and I would in some way regret it later on. "What do you think?" Marshall asked as he took my hand in his as we walked through the festival grounds, to the stage. 

I shrugged, "its a lot bigger than I thought it would be" I said as Marshall and I made eye contact before I let out a sly smile. "Really, a sex joke?" he asked as he let out a laugh and pulled me into him. I let out a sigh, "I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable" I said as Marshall furrowed his eyebrows. 

"What's bothering you, baby?" he asked as I chewed at my lip. "I- I don't know, I'm nervous I won't do as well as everyone is expecting me to do" I said as I shrugged, and looked down, "I'm not necessarily a performer, you know?" 

He nodded, "I'm not biased or anything, but I think you'll exceed everyone's expectations" he said, "I promise" he said softly. "Everyone in the line up is gonna run through rehearsal's, here in about thirty minutes, but we can go over our set as many times as you need, okay?" Marshall said as he ran his hand across my lower back, as I nodded.  

"Mathers!" I heard Paul's voice echo through the empty stage, "how are you guys feeling this morning, Avery you excited?" he asked as he handed us each a coffee. I shrugged, "living the dream Paul, living the dream" I said as he rolled his eyes. "That would be Marshall's sarcasm, stop rubbing off on her" he said as Marshall let out a laugh. 

"She's just nervous, she makes jokes when she's nervous" Marshall said, as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. "Yo, you got a copy of everyone's show time?" he asked as Paul nodded, "yeah, I can email the both of you. I have somethings to check up on, but I will see you guys later" he said as he walked off the stage and my phone started to go off. I grabbed it and sat on the edge of the stage, quickly scrolling through the email as my stomach knotted up. "Marsh?" I called out. "Yeah, baby?" he said as he walked toward me, sitting next to me. "This is the complete line up for the festival?" I asked as he nodded and scrolled through the list himself. "I'm ecstatic" he said, "tickets sold out in, like an hour" he said as he let out a laugh. "People who have listened to hip hop for, forever have been waiting for something like this. They wanna see us old farts on stage again" Marshall said as he nudge me, as I let out a small laugh. 

"But my intention is to bring more notice to the other artists, that I know have the potential to be at a certain level" he said, "you know like Kendrick and Joyner, Jack Harlow, they just have that drive that I did" 

I nodded, "I see D12 is on the lineup, everyone agreed to come out?" I asked as Marshall cleared his throat. "I think we all have the same understanding that it won't be the same, but we do it to honor Proof and also for the people that supported us" he said as I let my body meld into his, "I love you, and what you're doing here" I said as my lips gently grazed his bearded skin. "You wanna know something else?" he asked, "the girls brought Tay here, they are waiting to see you" he said as he pressed a kiss to my temple. 

"Where are they?" I asked as I tugged on his arm, out of excitement. He let out a small laugh, "I don't know, I would give them a call" he said as I quickly stood to my feet. "Baby, baby!" he called out, "remember I need you back here in a little bit so we could rehearse" he said as I nodded, before jumping off the stage and dialing Lane's number. 


Marshall POV

I continuously paced the stage, making sure everything was the way it was supposed to be. This fest needed to go perfectly, not only for the crowd that was expecting a unbelievable show but for Avery. Because if one thing went wrong, she would probably never set foot on stage again. I wanted to make sure her experience this weekend was beyond what she ever imagined, and if it was in my control I was going to make sure of it. 

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