08 (part two)

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TW: Postpartum Depression

Avery POV

I sighed as I shook my head, "Marshall" I said as I got off the bed, grabbing his t shirt off the floor and putting it on. "What?" he asked confused. "We're not supposed to be having sex" I said as I ran my hand through my tousled hair. 

"From the looks of it here tonight, neither of us wanted to be separated Avery" he said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek, "stop kidding yourself" he said. He shrugged, "I'm not sorry we had sex tonight, tonight was the first time in weeks that you've even remotely looked my way" 

"Tonight is the first time you've acted like yourself" he said. 

I tried to swallow the lump that was stuck in my throat, "I mean seriously Avery, you think this is how I wanna spend our first wedding anniversary?" he asked. "I'm trying to be as patient as I can for our daughter and for our marriage but fucking talk to me, let me in" he said practically begging. 

I made eye contact with the floor, "you just, won't understand Marshall" I said as a few tears fell freely. His facial expressions softened, "help me understand" he said. "Help me, help you baby" he said as he tried to pull me into him but I resisted. I shook my head, "no, don't touch me!" I said as I pushed off Marshall's chest, as the tears streamed harder. 

Marshall furrowed his eyebrows, "baby, come on" he said as his voice cracked. "Get out!" I yelled, pushing him away again as silence and tension filled the air. He cleared his throat, before walking out of the bedroom. I could hear the jingle of keys, before the apartment door slammed behind him.  


Marshall POV 

I quickly wiped the wetness from my face as I pulled in front of Samantha's house, as I was hesitant to bring anyone else into this situation. But I was at a loss, I was broken. "Marshall?" she said as she opened the door, quickly furrowing her eyebrows. 

"I need your help" I said as my voice cracked. "W- what happened?" she asked as she opened the door wider, allowing me to come in. I let out a sigh as I tried to compose myself, "Avery, sh- she" I said as I could feel the tears welling up. 

"Come here" she said as she pulled me into her, trying to sooth me. 

I let out a deep breath, "she was getting out of the shower when I got home from the studio, and things got a little hot and heavy" I said, "but she initiated it just as much as I did" I said as I ran my hand over my beard. "And I understand that everything wasn't going to be magically fixed if we had sex, but it was like something in her just fucking switched" 

"She told me we shouldn't have had sex" I said, "and I told her I didn't regret anything" 

"It was almost like she was repulsed by me, she started to push me and told me to get out" I said as I pressed my tongue to my cheek. "Marshall, you know this is not Avery's normal behavior. This is so much more" she said softly as I chewed at my lip. "You know that, you and the baby are more than welcome to stay here if you need to" 

"I just want my wife back" I said as she nodded before grabbing her keys. "Where are you going?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm gonna go talk with Avery" she said, before closing the door behind her. 


Avery POV 

"Avery, Avery James!" I heard Sam call out as she opened the apartment door. I sighed as I pulled the blankets tighter over my head. "Avery, you have to talk to one of us" she said as she ripped the blankets off of me. 

I sat up, "do you even know your husband is a fucking mess right now because of you?" she asked, "and he's still willing to do anything to figure out what's wrong with you" 

Tears began to fall uncontrollably, "I think I have postpartum depression" I said blankly. I shook my head, "I didn't mean to act like that, and I don't how to fix it or make it any better" I said as the tears started to stream harder, "I'm so, sorry" 

"Oh, Avery" Sam said as she climbed in bed with me, pulling me into her tighter. "I know that and I'm for fucking certain Marshall knows that" she said as she tried to sooth me. "We just wanna help you" 

"I never really wanted to separate from Marshall, I never meant to act the way that I did" I said, "I never meant to hurt him" I said as Sam wiped the tears that continued to fall. "Everything will be okay, I promise" she said. "But right now I need you to take a deep breath for me" she said as she tried to sooth me. 

"I- I need help to make it better" I said as I stumbled over my words before I heard heavy footsteps down the hallway. I quickly looked up through my tear blurred vision.,"w- what are you doing here?" I asked as I wiped the wetness from my face. 

"I don't care if you don't want me here, I know you need me here" he said as he made his way to my side of the bed. "I- I'm so, sorry" I said as he softly caressed my cheek, "so we don't have to be separated anymore?" he asked as his voice cracked. I shook my head, before he pressed his lips to mine. 

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