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a/n: short, but I want to make this story as authentic as possible. I want to show the struggles that women go through AFTER baby as well. much love guys

Avery POV
A Week Later

Marshall cleared his throat, "you nervous?" he asked as I shrugged and continued to fumbled with my wedding bands. "I- I don't really know what to expect" I said as there was a soft knock on the door, before it opened.

"Mrs. Mathers?" a woman asked as she walked in, "I'm Dr. Greene" she said as she introduced herself, letting out a comforting smile. I let out a small nod, "very pleased to meet you guys, I thought I recognized the last name when I pulled the chart" she said as I chewed at my lip.

"What brings you guys to the office today, what can I help you with?" she asked softly. I cleared my throat, "I think I have postpartum depression" I said bluntly as she nodded and continued to type on her computer.

"And what led you to that outcome?" she asked softly. "Our daughter was born in March and after that, I haven't really been myself" I said as Marshall and I made eye contact. "The anxiety and fatigue are just draining, I'm angry all the time and the crying is uncontrollable" I said as Dr. Greene nodded again, "we're there any complications throughout the pregnancy? I do see you guys had a miscarriage previous" she said.

"After the miscarriage in 2020, it felt like we tried forever to get pregnant again, at least for two fairly healthy people. But after finally conceiving there were no known complications with the pregnancy" I said as Marshall cleared his throat, "there were complications with the birth" he said softly. "How so?" Dr. Green asked curiously.

"Tatum was breached and her shoulder was stuck during delivery, and even after she was delivered they noticed the cord was wrapped around her neck" he said, "thankfully, there were no complications to Avery or the baby after, but it was pretty traumatic"

"Oh, yeah" Dr. Greene said as she nodded. "I can understand now where the postpartum depression comes in after hearing all the bits and pieces of the story, I can definitely start you on a antidepressant to help with the depression. I would also recommend therapy, you can do the traditional single session or there are group sessions with mom's that feel the same way"

"Just know that you are not alone, and this is actually not an uncommon thing after someone has a baby, okay?" Dr. Green said softly.

"Really?" I asked as my voice cracked, "it really depends on the severity of the case, but every mother gets it. And if she told you she didn't, then she's lying to you" she said as she let out a sly smile.

"I want you to be able to enjoy your little one, they are only little for so long" she said, "please find a good support system, and be vocal, tell them what you need and when you need it" she said as softly. "I honestly don't doubt for one second that you don't have a good support system behind you" she said as Marshall walked up behind me, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I think you just let the depression get the best of you for a minute"

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