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Avery POV
October 17, 2022

I sighed as I grabbed my phone letting the dial tone connect, "hello?" Denaun said on the other end of the phone. "Denaun will you please do me a favor?" I asked as I cuddle Tatum as best as I could, as she started to fuss.

"You sound really stressed right now, what can I do to help?" he asked softly. "Will you and Ryan please get Marshall out of this house?" I asked as he let out a low chuckle, "you want us to take Tay, too?" he asked as I heard the sound of keys jingle in the background.

"No, Hai will be here in a few and Lane is actually on her way to the airport to pick up Sam" I said softly. "Alright, cool, so you just need help distracting Marshall for a couple hours" he said as I chewed at my lip, "I just don't want him to ruin his birthday and all the surprises I have for him"

Denaun let out a sigh, "just know, I'm doing this for you and all the effort you put into this" he said as I let out a small smile, "I'll see you in a few" he said before hanging up. I sighed and cradled Tatum, "your daddy is all taken care of, now you're next" I said as I peppered her face with kisses.

"You are fed and in a clean diaper, there is no reason you shouldn't be napping right now" I said as I laid her down in her crib, as she started to fuss. "Come on Tay, out of all the days to refuse a nap?" I said as I scooped her into my arms, trying to sooth her cried as I walked downstairs seeing Marshall in the kitchen.

"Still no luck on getting her down?" he asked as he took her from my arms. I shook my head, "I think she does it on purpose, to keep us on our toes" I said as Marshall let out a chuckle, before the doorbell rang. "I- I got it babe" I said as I walked down the hallway, opening to door to Denaun, "that was, really fast" I said as he shrugged. "You called me for help, and you sounded a little overwhelmed on the phone, so I'm here" he said as he followed me into the house, making eye contact with Marshall.

"Denaun?" Marshall asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you doing here, man?" he asked as he pulled him into a half hug. "I'm here, to spend some time with you for your birthday" he said as Marshall pressed his tongue to his cheek, "I- I don't know man, maybe I could get a rain check. Tay is fussing really bad today" he said as he cleared his throat.

"I hate leaving Avery alone with her when she's like that, you know" he said as I interrupted their conversation, "Marshall its your birthday, don't be ridiculous" I said as I shook my head, pushing them both out of the house. "Are you sure?" Marshall asked as I nodded continuously, "yes, positive"

"Oh, okay, I love you" Marshall said, confused as to what was going on. "I love you baby, have a good time" I said as I blew him a kiss, closing the door behind them.


"I'm curious as to why Marshall was so hesitant to leave with Denaun" I said as I continued to cook. Hailie shrugged, "maybe because, he actually didn't wanna leave you here alone while Tay was having a rough day" she said.

"Maybe he knew how overwhelmed you we're" Sam said as she continued to cradle Tatum as she slept. I sighed, "he knows better than I do that babies are gonna fuss, Tay is gonna have her days where nothing is going to sooth her" I said. "I just want him to be able to enjoy his time out, without having to call me every half hour" I said as my phone started to vibrate, as I grabbed it.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the call. "Hey baby I'm just calling to check in, again" he said softly on the other end. I don't hear her crying anymore, you got her settled?" he asked as I cleared my throat, "Hailie came over and actually got her to fall asleep" I said as he let out a relieved sigh.

"I'm happy for her sake, and ours that she's finally getting some sleep" he said as I chewed at my lip. "You know that I love you, very much" I said softly as Marshall started to question me, "just hear me for, for what I have to say" I said before there was a silence. "Just because we have a baby, doesn't mean you stop hanging out with your friends, and reading your comics or anything else you love to do"

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