Bonus Chapter - You'll Always Be My Baby

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Avery POV
A Few Months Later - Early November 

"Hey, you got a sec?" I asked as I stood in the doorway of Marshall's office. He nodded, "am I in trouble?" he joked before I let out a deep sigh. He quickly furrowed his eyebrows, "I was only joking Avery, what's going on?" he asked as he pulled me onto his lap. 

"My minds been going crazy lately, I keep thinking about Tatum and how she'll react to the new baby" I said, "I don't want her to feel like no one's paying attention to her because they're all paying attention to the baby, I-I don't know, she may not even comprehend it at all" 

 Marshall nodded, "I- I can see your point" he said as his fingers grazed my skin gently. "I think we should take these last few weeks before he comes and really focus on Tay" I said as Marshall's expressions softened. "I also would like to a chance to spend some time with my wife, alone" he said as he nuzzled his head into my neck, softly pressing kisses to my skin. I let out a small laugh, "Marsh" I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. 

"Yeah, baby?" he said in between attaching and detaching his lips from my skin. "What should we take Tay to go do?" I asked as Marshall let out a sigh, "I think we need to be cautious of what we're doing baby" he said as he caressed my face. "Your considered high risk, and he's so low right now they don't even know if you'll make it to next month" he said as he pushed some loose hair behind my ear. 

"And I see you waddling around, you have to be in some sort of pain and not saying anything" he said as he ran his hand over my bump. "I promise you baby, Tay doesn't even comprehend that you can't do certain things right now" Marshall said as I let out a sigh. I chewed at my lip as he ran his hand across my bump again, "I can't wait for our boy to be here" he said as he pressed his forehead to mine. 

"I love you" I said barely above a whisper as we took in the moment of silence throughout the house before there was a faint cry. "And that's, our cue" I said as I grazed my nails across Marshall's skin before going to walk out of the office. He quickly grabbed a hold of my wrist and shook his head, "I'll get her" he said softly before heading up to her nursery as I went to the kitchen and turned on the baby monitor, watching their interaction. 

"Hey baby girl, how was your nap?" he asked her as he walked in, seeing her stood up in the crib holding on to the rails. "Mama" she said through her tears as he went to grab her and held her close, "okay, let's go find her" he said as he walked back downstairs. Marshall playfully called for me as Tatum's little voice copied, "yes, baby" I said as a wide smile came across her face, as I came in her line of vision. 

"Mama" she said over and over until I took her out of Marshall's grip and into mine, holding her close to me. "Did you have a good nap, Tay?" I asked as she rubbed at her eyes before she nuzzled her head into my neck, while I got her lunch ready. "Avery, baby let me help you. I can see you're uncomfortable" he said as he tried to take Tatum from my arms. 

I shook my head, "will you please just warm her lunch up?" I asked as I placed the tupperware on the counter as he nodded. "Just get comfortable on the couch, put a movie on" he said as he kissed the top of my head. 


"Please no more Moana, that's like the tenth time we've watched it today" Marshall said as he ran his hands over his face and laid back on the couch. I shrugged, "Tay likes it" I said as I watched her, playing contently on the floor. 

"I understand that, but all I have stuck in my head is Maui" he said as he got up and walked into the kitchen. "What can I say except you're welcome" Marshall sang out, as he stood in the pantry looking for another snack as I let out laugh. "Are you laughing at me?" he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows and let out a small smile. I nodded barely able to contain myself as he ran back into the living room. "For the wonderful world you know, what can I say except you're welcome" he sang as he hovered over me, pressing his lips to my skin.

Marshall paced the kitchen a few times before plopping back on the couch, "I have to get this song out of my head" he said as he let out a deep sigh. "You're ridiculous" I said as I shook my head as he continued to scroll on his phone. Seconds later, Dre blared through the house speakers. "Dance with daddy, Tay" Marshall said as he took her in his arms as she let out a laugh so hard, her nose scrunched up. 



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